Part 11

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A few years later
Tall grass lies before him, grunts and low disgusting laughter come from it. Goblins, he thinks to himself. Looking around he sees dark oak trees creating huge pockets of shade. Up ahead, pass the tall grass, are the goblins he's been hunting for hours now.

I can't get any closer or else they will notice me. Albert hides behind a thick dark oak tree. The goblins are ahead of him, sitting by a fire. His brown ears perk up at the sound of cracking wood as it burns. His face contorts as his nose picks up the foul smell of smoke as it rises up into the night sky. His tail hangs low, trying to hide it as best as he can.

I wonder if German or Tony are having an easier time, he thinks. Taking a deep breath, he readies himself. Gripping his sword he charges out from his hiding spot. He sees a trio of Goblins hanging around a campfire. Two are sitting down when they see Albert jump out. The third one, standing turns around to see him but it's too late. Albert pulls his sword out of its scabbard and thrust it into the Goblin's chest, turning it. Blood gushes from the wound, staining the sword a crimson red. The other two Goblins pick up their crude and rusted weapons, rushing towards Albert. Albert goes into a defensive stance, ready for the Goblins but one reaches towards the floor picking up dirt and throwing it at Albert.

He falls back trying to get the dirt out of his eyes, but the Goblins give him no chance, they manage to slash at Albert's hand, forcing him to drop his sword out of sheer pain. The other Goblin latches himself onto him, bringing him to the ground. Albert struggles to push off the Goblin who tries to stab him with a dagger.

"Screw this shit!" The cross on Albert's forehead begins to emit a light, the ground under Albert trembles, vines grow from the ground, wrapping themselves around the two Goblins.

The Goblins squirm in pain as thorns cut their body all around. Albert picks himself up, cleaning his eyes, "Man fuck these Goblins!" Picking up the dagger on the floor, he slashes the Goblins' ears off.

"I got what I came here for." Albert takes the ears and leaves the Goblins to die of blood loss.

His ears twitching and his tail droops. He walks back into the darkness of the forest. He doesn't want to see another Goblin ever again.

In the distance, he hears the faint cries of a woman. He follows the sound, ignoring the pain in his hand. He finds himself in a clearing. He sees an elf lying on the floor with what seems to be a puppy licking her. "Where did you find the puppy?" Albert says at Ava who's having a blast playing with it.

"Oh, it just came to me," She says as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "I was scared at first but it's so cute and sweet." She looks at Albert and smiles.
He approaches her slowly, crouching down next to her. "Here," Albert says, handing over the Goblins' ears. Ava counts them, "Ah you killed three Goblins! Good job! I knew you could do it!" She smiles at Albert. He shrugs, "Have Tony or German returned?" He asks her.

"No, not yet. It's almost dawn though, they should be back soon. Why? Is something the matter?" Ava looks at Albert, worried. He nods, "It's probably nothing, after all, both Frederick and Folas are looking after them. They got the most reliable people considering I am stuck with you." He says playfully, earning a giggle from Ava.

The sun begins to rise, casting a warm golden light over the forest. The sky is painted in shades of pink and orange. Soon, they hear the sound of footsteps coming towards them. "It's them!" Ava says excitement is evident in her voice. Albert turns to see both German and Tony carrying their own fair share of Goblin ears. Behind them are Folas and Fredrick. Albert winces as he sees the state of his friends. They look much better than him, with only small spots of blood covering their bodies.

"I take it things didn't go as planned?" German asks, walking over to him.
"You could say that," Albert answers, sighing in disappointment. Albert was the only one of the three to be hurt when hunting Goblins. But it didn't matter too much to him. Three of them looked at each other and cheered. They have finally proven themselves capable of taking care of themselves. Starting tomorrow or more accurately in a few hours, they can finally become adventurers.

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