Part 2

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Tony let out a cry, "Waaah! (I'm alive!)"

Albert responded with, "Waaaaah waah waah waah wa! (Someone shut that baby up!)"

German was genuinely confused, "Why am I hearing baby noises?!" He thought to himself

Tony remembered, "We're babies, we can't speak yet." He thought

Looking around he saw his environment and thought "Is this the forest?"

Transported into a bright, lush green forest, the newborns found themselves surrounded by trees and shrubs with the sun in the middle of the sky. They were all in one big basket, covered only by a thin layer of cloth from their feet to their necks.

As Albert was thinking he grumbled, "Did I really get reincarnated just to die as a baby? This is bull. I don't know if I was talking to a god or a machine, but either way, they better start helping me. There's no way in hell I'm dying without even getting to meet some women."

As the sun set, the once bright forest turned dark, and the nocturnal creatures began to awaken. In the distance, a faint growl could be heard.

Albert being hungry thought, "God... I want some milk right now. I'll even take almond milk."

Tony was becoming anxious thinking, "How long are we going to be here?"

German unlike the other two heard the growl from earlier, "What am I hearing?" He wondered

Not long after, Albert and Tony heard the growling, and fear set in. From the darkness of the forest emerged a pack of animals that looked like wolves, but were much larger and had purple fur.

Tony screamed, "Don't tell me I'm going to be eaten alive!" Although to the others just sounded like a baby screaming.

3 purple wolves surround them inching ever closer to them. The wolves began snarling at them, showing off their teeth.

From the bushes a larger wolf emgers. It slightly different from the rest having a horn on top of it's head. Purple bits of lighting shoot out of it.

It barks at the other wolves causing them to make way for the larger wolf. It stands above the basket drooling onto Tony.

"Nooooo! Not me! Take German instead!" He cried in his thoughts

Just before the wolf could take a bite out of him the system interfered. "Danger detected, finding possible solutions... Solution found."

A bolt of dark blue lighting struck the large wolf, causing it to turn to ashes. Only it's horn remained, severely damaged. The other wolves flee from the sight of having their pack leader turned to ashes.

"Final assistant has been given... No further assistance may be executed. I wish you the best of luck candidates, may you fulfill your duties."

The three of them knocked out, Five minutes later...

"Where am I?" Albert thought to himself as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Look, Folas, one of the babies is opening its eyes!" A female elf said to another male elf, smiling.

"You shouldn't be loud near babies; they need their sleep," the male elf explained.

"Sorry, I will be more careful. It's just that I remember Dad saying that you should always be loud and cheerful so that the babies can learn to always be happy." The female elf then proceeded to make funny faces at Albert.

"Who are these people?! Where are they taking us, and why is this woman making weird faces at me?" Albert's mind was filled with many thoughts and questions.

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