Part 9

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"Albert!" Ava burst through the door. "We're here to save you!"

There, on the bed, sat Albert, upright. "What happened?" Albert's tone was calm as he stared at Ava, who was in disbelief. Down the hall, footsteps followed by shouting echoed. "Ava! Wait for me, damn it! My leg doesn't work the same!"

Frederick stumbled into the room, his wooden leg clasping against the wooden floor. His jaw practically dropped at the sight of Albert. "You're awake, kid?" he said in disbelief.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Albert stood up and began to stretch. "I mean, I felt like I had the worst sleep of my life. I think I'm rather glad to be awake."

Before Albert could continue to rant, Frederick held the boy still with one hand, as if checking his temperature. He examined Albert's forehead, searching and scanning.

"There should be a symbol of some kind, right?" Frederick asked.

Ava nudged Frederick aside, putting her hand on Albert's forehead. "You're right, there should be some type of symbol, but there isn't."

Albert looked visibly confused. "Could someone please tell me what's going on?"


"With this, the mass has ended. May you leave in peace." Igan had just finished the last mass of the night. The entire time he was preaching, his head was filled with thoughts of promotion.

'Soon I will be an Archbishop, soon. If only one of those foggy old men would hurry up and die, I could be promoted sooner. With my achievement of defending the city during the Blood Moon and now the birth of a saint, I might make it all the way to the Pope's seat. Now if only that damn boy would hurry up and give in to the Saint. Yes, the future for me is clear, all I have to do is wait. I just need patience.'

Igan began to walk out of the church before one of the nuns caught up to him. "Father Igan! The boy is awake!"

'See, patience,' Igan thought to himself. "That's wonderful news. I was getting worried about him. I shall go take a look at him right away," Igan said with a smile.


"Let me get this straight, I was asleep for a week straight?"

Ava nodded.

"And I was chosen to be a saint? Me of all people, a Saint?"

Ava nodded. "I was surprised when I heard the news. At first, I thought, there's no way in hell it's Albert, but when I heard from Frederick it was you, I came running, ready to kick some ass and save the day." Ava paused before continuing. "Really, Albert, you scared me."

Frederick had run out, asking the nuns to go get Father Igan. Ava, meanwhile, stayed behind and caught Albert back up to speed.

"To think I almost died... Wait, then what happened?"

Ava shook her head. "I don't know how you broke the Saint's ritual. Someone must have done it. Only outside interference could have interrupted it."

"Then who did?" Albert asked.

"Who knows, but I don't care, I'm just glad you're safe."

Before Albert could say anything, Igan, alongside Frederick, walked in. "Boy, what the hell did you do?!" Igan's face was distorted with rage. It was clear that he had heard from Frederick about the ritual failing.

"Frederick, guard the door! Make sure no one comes close to here!" Igan barked orders.

"Now why should I listen to you?" Frederick stood proud against him. "Just what do you plan to do to the boy?"

Ava drew her daggers. "If you plan on hurting him, I will kill you."

Igan's face turned a deep red. At Ava's comment, he backed off slightly. "I will check to see what happened myself!"

Igan began chanting, a white aura forming around him. Pointing at Albert, the aura flew at him. Just before reaching him, a cross enveloped in thorns appeared on his forehead. It had a white glow, the same as the aura; it absorbed the holy energy. As if the cross was a meter being filled, it slowly began to appear as if it was being filled.

"The Saint of John Mathew!" Igan fell to his knees. "This can't be! That boy is a Saint!"

Footsteps could be heard down the hall. "Father Igan, is everything alright? We heard shouting," It was the nuns.

Igan snapped back to reality. He got up slowly, opening the door slightly. "Everything is fine. God has graced us with another Saint."

"Can we meet him?"

"In due time, the Saint is tired from the ritual. Go on now, let him rest."

"Yes, Father," the nuns bowed and took their leave.

Closing the door, Igan turned and was met with Ava's daggers. "What are you planning?" Ava's face was cold, the opposite of her usually cheerful demeanor.

"I have no plans of ruining my career."

Ava didn't move her daggers; she examined Igan's face for any sign of intent.

Frederick spoke up. "What game are you playing, Igan?"

"I don't know why that boy is alive, but he still possesses the power of Saint Mathew. He might not be a true Saint, but I can still sell this to the public."

"You plan to use the boy for your career?" Frederick asked.

"I was planning on using the Saint; now since that failed, I will use the boy."

Before Igan could continue, he was met with a slight slash on his cheek. "What makes you think I would allow that?" Ava's face was still.

"You can take the boy, but he must come for events and ceremonies."

Ava pressed her daggers slightly against Igan's chest. "What's stopping me from just taking him?"

Igan grinned. "The church will know that the boy survived yet possesses the power of the Saint but not his soul. He will be hunted down by the church, and all his friends heretics. After all, we both know that there are few powers capable of interfering with God's ritual."

Ava stared for a moment before sheathing her daggers. "You will keep your word if you want to keep your life."

Albert was completely shocked at the turn of events. He didn't know how to process what just happened.

Ava opened the door. "Fred, take Albert to Folas. I am going to grab the other two." With that, she disappeared as fast as the wind.

Frederick looked at Igan to confirm they could leave. He gestured towards the door. "The ceremony will be held in the afternoon. Be sure to be there.

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