- T H E R I F T -

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C U R R E N T S E R V E R - T H E L I F E S T E A L S M P

L O C A T I O N - S E R V E R S P A W N


> parrot was walking around spawn, just looking around. people have been building nice bases and buildings recently, spawn looked better than before. the server also became a bit more peaceful, not much murder has broke out. it really surprised parrot since the server never had been this nice in a while.

> while he was walking, he accidentally bumped into some portal, luckily not going inside it, as he was super close to. it was a very tall portal, bigger than the size of a regular nether portal. it had weird cracks on the side, while a bit of a tree branch shape surrounded with stone and cobblestone.

" what the hell is this? " parrot spoke, walking a bit back to see the full portal itself.

> parrot kept looking at the portal, and it started to make weird static-y sounds. it scared parrot at first, but he just continued staring at it.

30 minutes later, he was still looking at it. he was really concentrated on it, worried about the impact this could do to his server. but as he was looking, his friend, spoke, saw him staring at the portal, so he decided to walk up to him.

hey, parro- " spoke walked up to him, before he could even Finnish his sentence, parrot flinched and turned around.

" JESUS CHRIST SPOKE- DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT. " parrot yelled, looking terrified.

" OKAY, OKAY! JEEZ! " spoke sarcastically replied.

the two kept fighting over about scaring each other for a while, until the portal made a loud sound.


the portal lit up, having a purple aura. then, spoke realized the portal.

" parrot?.. " spokes voice went down on a worried tone, while still looking up at the portal.

" what? are you just trying to change the topic? "

< spoke then pointed at the portal, arm shaking a bit. >

parrot turned around, wondering what spoke was trying too show him that was SOO terrifying, until he saw the portal, that was glowing a purple aura, with it spreading some crying obsidian.

parrot walked up slightly towards the portal, then accidentally stepping on something. when he looked down, he immediately moved backwards, shaking his boots a little to get some of the purple-ish looking goo. " WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! " parrot shouted, almost tripping.

" I DONT KNOW! YOUR THE SERVER ADMIN, DO SOMETHING! " spoke yelled back at him, trying to tell parrot to do something useful.

" WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO RIGHT NOW?! WHAT, CRASH THE SERVER?! " parrot sarcastically yelled back at spoke, in a very annoyed tone.

they both fought about the portal and parrots admin powers, both trying to prove a point with just ignoring the fact a mysterious portal is currently glowing and spreading crying obsidian and purple liquid, until, people came out of the portal, but they didn't notice.

" YEAH YEAH! WHY WONT YOU TRY HELPING, HUH?! YOUR TELLING ME TO DO SOMETHING BUT YOU ARENT DOING ANYTHING! " parrot yelled at him again, still looking at spoke. he noticed spoke was staring to the portal, so he turned his head, then he saw..

. . .

" where- are we? "

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hi ! this is my first fan-fiction that I actually felt like to publish- I really enjoyed making this, and I didn't feel like it was that cringe so I decided to make it public!!! I hope you enjoyed it, I will make a member list of the different main people here! if you have any more fanfic ideas for other books, feel free to put them here! I'm maybe also doing an one shot book, so give ideas on what you want for that too :3 stay safe <33

word count - 710 (including A/N)

current people - parrot, spoke

made on 12/14/2023

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