- I N T R O D U C T I O N S -

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Parrot walked away, slowly fading away the more he walked. Spoke and some hermits watched him walk away until he was completely gone.

"Anyways, moving on!" Spoke turned around, facing grian again.
"mhm. What did you say your name was again?" Grian tilted his head. He didn't really trust him.
"SpokeIsHere! Or- just Spoke-"
"hm, weird. okay."
Everyone stayed silent, not knowing what too do next.

"uh.. just follow me, let's go to the spawn house!"
"Spawn house..?" Grian stared at spoke.
"It's basically where some people stay there too chill or something, with no murder, surprisingly!" Spoke explained.
"ah, okay." Grian nodded.

Spoke turned around and started walking. "Come on!"
Everyone followed him, it was a pretty long walk. Scar was talking too Grian, Jimmy was looking around while Scott trying to keep jimmy not too walk too far away.

"We're here!" Spoke turned around too us.

Grian looked up, it was shaped like a school, but had a heart in the middle. It was slightly big, but it was enough for most of them. (I will try drawing it- I suck at drawing but I will try so you guys can get the idea ><)

"So.. what are we gonna do here?" Grian asked.
"We're gonna ask some of all of you some questions! In- a positive way- we're not like imprisoning you!-" Spoke said nervously.


"Yes, we- my friend will be asking you guys the questions, I'm just gonna be asking side questions instead."


Everyone walked inside. Some sat down at the couch, some sat on the floor.

"When's your friend gonna come here?" Scar looked at spoke, who was looking at his communicator.

"oh, he'll be here soon" spoke replied, but didn't look at scar. He just kept staring and clicking.

Few minutes later, they all sat in silence. Until, he came.

"hello?" A boy came in, he had white hair and purple eyes. He had some Galaxy looking halo surrounding his head.

"ooh, hi!" Spoke ran over too him.

"These are the people?"
"Why did you even make me do this.. you could've just asked parrot or something!-" he face palmed.
"Ehh, he's tired. Now stop complaining, since you're already here!"

He ignored spoke after he said that, slightly annoyed. He walked up too some of the hermits and emperors.

"Hi, I'm Planet. Nice too meet you. You probably already know I'm gonna be asking you some questions."

"mhm. your not gonna be threatening us- are you?" Jimmy looked at Planet.

"No! Not at all. I don't have a good reason too anyway." He smiled at Jimmy.

"oh, good." Grian spoke up.

"Follow me." Planet turned around and walked into a room. It was made out of white terracotta, but it had some photos and paintings on some of the walls.

Planet sat down on one of the chairs, with a wooden table.

"Feel free to sit or not." He smiled. "I just need the person who knows a lot more than the most of you do to answer, for more information of your server." Planet added.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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