Chapter Six- An Unexpected Sight

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No. What in the heck did I just see? No. I'm dreaming this isnt real. Her mother with him?

Rose pinched herself and stood outside the door of where she had just seen her mother. Caught in a liplock. With Draco Malfoy. Scorpius' Father. She had to be dreaming. She closed her eyes and took four deep breaths and placed her hand on the door knob once more. She prayed that when she opened it again her mother wouldnt be in Draco Malfoy's arms. She twisted the door a little and peeked her head inside. She closed it imediatley. The secene was still there. She turned around and began to walk down the hall. If she pretended she hadn't saw anything everything would be okay. Right?But how could she pretend to have no knowledge of this? She didn't want to believe it. She was crazy! That was not her mom with her best friend that she's kind of crushing on father. Oh, who was she kidding. She couldn't deny it even if she modified her memory so that that scene wasnt there. It was real. It happened. Or was happening. Oh merlin! What if her farther found out? What if Scorpius found out?

She knocked on a large wooden door and waited for a response. She got a 'Who is it?' she told him and let herself in. Albus was his bed drawing what looked to be a dragon. She sat down next to him and wrested her head on the wall behind her. Albus put his chalk down and looked at her. He leaned back by her. "Hey Rose." 

"AHHH! ROSE! ALBUS! I JUST SAW SOMETHING BAD!" Scorpius yelled locked the door behind him hastilty. He cast a muffilato charm around them and jumped on the bed in the middle of them breathing heavily. He shut his eyes and began mumbiling something along the lines of: "Not true"

"You saw it too?" Rose assumed.

He groaned. "Ugh yes. What are we going to do?"

"No idea."

"What should we do?"


"We're not going to di that are we?"


"What is going on!?" ALbus interupted

Both heads turned to Albus.They told. 

Albus's mouth formed an 'O'

"Well,mates, ya'll are exactly correct. We're going to do absolutlety nothing." Albus said.

Rose nodded and snuggled close to Scorpius. He had stopped talking and put on his thinking face. That was never good.

A/N: HEY!!!! Well I know this chapter isn't my best, but its to the point so.... Thanks for everything!!!!


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