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---Grim Reaper's House--

When I got out of my room, I noticed Seokjin concentrating on the rectangular-looking devices.

"What's so good about that device that you are always busy looking into in your free time?" I asked Seokjin.

"It's my only source of happiness. So please don't say anything bad about my cellphone." Seokjin responded without looking away from his rectangular device.

I scoffed, "When did I say anything bad about your cellphone?"

"Yoongi you should buy a cellphone too." Seokjin suggested.

"No, I don't want to trap myself in that rectangular device." I said as I walked into the kitchen.


"Yaah!" I said as I followed Yoongi into the kitchen. "You really need a cellphone because that's how you will reach me if you need my help. You can only teleport yourself to the right place when people are about to die."

Yoongi laughed, "Excuse me? Why will I need the help of a goblin? Yaah! Don't forget that I also possess some powers."

I get annoyed by his reply "Aaa, molla! Why am I trying to persuade you to get a cellphone? Have you ever listened to me that you will listen now?" I walked out of the kitchen, stomping my feet.

---Y/N'S POV---

--Y/N's House--

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in my bedroom. "How did I come here?" I started thinking about what happened earlier. "I don't remember anything after that man kept a cloth on my mouth."

I got out of my bed and walked over to the window. "Who brought me here? Did that mysterious man come to help me?" I asked myself.

I smiled while thinking about the mysterious man. "He is definitely my saviour."

--Next Day--

I went downstairs after a shower to see Aunty, Uncle, and Anna sitting together and discussing something.

My aunt looked at me and smiled sweetly... "Y/N, my child, come here. Have you eaten anything?"

"What is she up to now? Why is she being so sweet to me?" I thought in confusion.


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