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---Y/N'S POV---

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---Y/N'S POV---

"I'm home!" I said this as soon as I walked into the house.

"Eat the snacks after you've freshened up. I've already set it on the dining table." Yoongi Oppa said this while wearing his coat.

I sat on the couch and kept my bag and ID card on the table. "Are you going somewhere?" I inquired.

"Yes! I have some work to do." He said this while scrutinising a white card.

I took a look around and asked Yoongi Oppa, "Where is Seokjin Oppa?"

He took a peek at me. "Your saviour went to save people who need help."

"Oh!" I stood up and walked into the kitchen to get some water.

"Saram I'm leaving. Bye!" Yoongi Oppa said from the living room.

"Yes! Come back soon." I responded to him from the kitchen.


I was about to leave when I noticed Y/N's ID card on the table.

When I saw Y/N's birth date on the ID, my eyes opened. "Tomorrow is her birthday. Does the goblin know about this?" I pondered. "I should ask him." I walked out of the house, putting her ID card back on the table.


11:58 P.M.

---Y/N'S POV---

I'm looking up at the stars through my window. "Eomma! Appa! Tomorrow is my birthday." I smiled. "After a long time, I feel like I will be having a 'happy' birthday." Suddenly, all of the lights in my bedroom went off.

I turned on my phone torch and walked out of my bedroom slowly. "Seokjin Oppa! Yoongi Oppa! Could you please check the electrical board?" I asked as I made my way downstairs.

"Seokjin Oppa? Yoongi Oppa?" I called them again after not receiving a response from them.

Suddenly, the lights came back on, and I heard someone singing a birthday song.

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Y/N.
Happy Birthday To You

When I turned around, I saw Seokjin Oppa singing the birthday song and Yoongi Oppa clapping his hands. *They approached YN.*

I covered my mouth in surprise When I saw a lovely cake in Seokjin Oppa's hands.

"Oh my god! How did you know today is my birthday?" I asked them.

"That's not important. Come on, make a wish, and blow out the candles." Yoongi Oppa said.

I nodded and closed my eyes to make a wish. "God please keep my new family happy and safe. Also, please break Seokjin Oppa's curse as soon as possible." I said and blew out the candles.


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