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Valentina was sat in the common room, reading her transfiguration book

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Valentina was sat in the common room, reading her transfiguration book. She was waiting until the common room cleared before she was able to head out and meet Sirius.

Cordelia and Avery sat with her, playing a game of exploding snap.

Valentina must have read over the same line several times without realising.

She just wondered when either of them would leave.

"I win, again" Cordelia said triumphantly, standing up and yawning widely

"another game" Avery protested, unlike being beat for the third time

"Absolutely not" Cordelia replied, "I am off to bed" she announced, picking up her cardigan. "Goodnight Val"

"Goodnight" Valentina smiled back, looking up from her book

"Avery" Cordelia nodded goodbye to boy which earned a nod back

As she had left, Avery took a seat next to her on the sofa.

"What was you talking about in Potions today?" he asked, looking at her closely

Valentina looked up from her book and tilted her head, "with...?"

"Sirius Black" Avery said simply. He had tried to say Sirius name without anger or disgust but it was there.

Valentina didn't know if the anger was direct or her or Sirius.

"Nothing important. We were arguing"

"About what? Do you want me to sort that Dirty blood traitor out?, did he step the line"

"nothing of that sort" She waved off quickly, trying to deter confrontation as soon as possible, "just about the instructions of the potion is all"

Avery nodded in acceptance, "good"

He changed the topic.

"How's it going?" he asked, leaning over to read her book

"not terribly" she shrugged, "Getting there" she gestured to the book, showing him how much she had left to read

"you are becoming very studious" He remarked with amusement

Valentina made a little laugh, "yes well, keeps me busy"

Avery was looking at her intensely and Valentina had suddenly felt quite uncomfortable.

He placed her hand on Valentina's chin turning her face to his.

Valentina wanted to flee and run away as he got close.

Closer, closer and closer

Until his lips were nearly on hers.

Valentina flinched away quickly, making Avery snap out of it and smile awkwardly.

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