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Valentina's eyes stayed staring at Avery's trunk as they made their way back to Hogwarts

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Valentina's eyes stayed staring at Avery's trunk as they made their way back to Hogwarts. The diadem safely packed inside.

Codelia and Violetta had been chatting as normal whereas the boys had seemed to be unusally quiet. Valentina assumed it was down to their doings in their death eater business, the same reason Regulus provided her with.

"Ugh, I really cannot be bothered for transfiguration this term" Violetta huffed, "professor McGonagall is already working us hard, nevermind now that NEWTs are two weeks away"

Cordelia rolled her eyes.

"Its really not that difficult, you're just extremely unintelligent" she said nastily earning a few chuckles from the other slytherins in the compartment.

"well Zabini, that wasn't very kind was it?" james potter said, leaning against the compartment door, a smirk playing on his lips

"What are you doing here?" Snape said through gritted teeth from the corner of the compartment

"Just doing my train patrol as Head boy" he replied smugly, "and as head boy I feel inclided to take some points off Slytherin for saying such horrible things to a fellow student. I think I'll take 10 points"

"Oh bugger off potter" Rosier spat, "or you'll get whats coming to you" he warned quitely

Snape, Mulciber, Rosier and Avery all looked at him like he was shit on the bottom of their shoe whilst Cordelia and Violetta had a look of mild annoynace on their faces.

"Threatening the head boy Rosier? I think I'll take another 10 points. A terrible start to the term that is". James faked a sigh and shook his head sarcastically, " I'd say that you could make it up with Quiddditch points but I think theres a fat chance of that happening given your track record" he shrugged simply, "anyway, behave yourself for the rest of the jouney"

His eyes met Valentinas for a brief moment before he carried on with his patrol down the carriage.

Not one of the Slytherins had decided to pull their wands out at him, deciding against cursing the Hogwarts head boy.

"what an arrogant twat" Cordelia spat

"Don't worry Delia" Avery replied, "Potter and his Mudblood girlfriend and bloodtraitor mates will reaslise how much trouble they're in when we graduate. We'll welcome them to the real world"

Muliciber cackled and Rosier and Severus each had an amused evil smirk on their faces.

Throught the whole encounter Valentina had remained quiet.

Averys promise about James, Remus, Peter, Lily and most imortantly Sirius, had made her blood run cold.

The people who surrounded her would genuinely do anything in their power to kill the man she loved so deeply.

Valentina felt suddenly extreamly uncomfortable in the compartment surrounded by her housemates.

James Potter had completed his patrolling rounds and collapsed onto a seat with a happy sigh beside remus lupin who looked at him strangely.

"what have you done now?"Peter shook his head in amusement

"Just took 20 points of the Slytherins already. You should've seen Snivellys face. Priceless!" James laughed

" A complete breach of you responsibility" Remus said rolling his eyes with a smirk painted on his lips

Sirius opened his mouth to speak.

"Yes Padfoot" James interrupted, prediciting what he was about to say, "yes I saw Karkaroff, Yes she seems okay, No she didnt say anything"

Sirius shut his mouth, leaning back into his seat, "I wasn't goiung to ask that" he mumbled quietly making James and Remus laugh.

"what did the Slytherins say back? Yanno, when you took their points" peter somewhat squeaked

"Christ, don't tell me youre scared of them" Sirius said flabergasted

"no, no, Im not" Peter quickly rushed out, "its just sometimes they can be quite... intimidating" he said

James rolled his eyes in annoynace, "wormtail, theres no need to worry, they're all bark and no bite"

Sirius smirked at the reference and James nudged him in amusement when he noticed Sirius' smile.

Remus rolled his eyes," don't worry about them wormtail" he shrugged, "Plus, its not all Slytherins, take Valentina for example"

Peter remained silent and stared at his lap.

Sirius barked a laugh, "you're scared of Val?"

Peter shrugged, "A little"

Sirius errupted into a fit of laughter, "there's no way" he finally managed to say, "You're scared of Val? That girl couldn't hurt a fly"

"she's just a bit intimidating" peter muttered, "and if she couldn't hurt a fly, how come she hurt you?" he said a little more confidently

Sirius mouth formed an, oh, in shock, "you little shit!" he exclaimed, throwing an every flavour bertie bott bean at peters head, it bouncing off and landing on the floor as Remus and James smirked.

A feminine voice cut through the chaos, "alright ladies, that's enough"

The four Gryffindor boys looked up, their mouths hanging open in shock and amusement.

"It hurts my feelings you're scared of me Peter" Valentina said with a small smile playing on her lips

"Oh valentina!" he exclaimed, "I don't really'

Valentina smiled, "its okay peter, i can undertsnd why. The company I keep are not very friendly"

Sirius interrupted them, "What are you doing here Val?"

Valentina walked in and took a seat beside Remus, "I hope you don't mind" she said, "I just thought I might be able to sit in here for a few minutes with you all. I couldn't sit with them for much longer. I said that I was going to change into my robes and find the trolly"

"Its no problem" remus said welcomingly

"yeah, I dont blame you" James agreed, "nasty lot them lot"

Valentina just quietly hummed

"Is everything alright?" Sirius asked, concern in his eyes, knowing Valentina wouldn't of risked being seen with them if something wasn't wrong .

"Everything is fine" she said back, she didnt feel like explaining her feelings infront of James, Peter and Remus. She had enough trouble expressing herself to Sirius

Sirius nodded, "we'll talk later"

The truth was that Valentina couldn't stand to be with the other slytherins for a moment longer. The way they threated Sirius and his friends made her come to the reasliation that after graduation, hogwarts isn't going to be there to protect them all...and the death eaters are coming to get them.

She could just imagine what Avery would do to Sirius if he got his hands on him.

She just couldn't sit beside them all with those sort of thoughts swirling around in her head.

Valentina just wanted to be near Sirius, where she felt safe.

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