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Valentina sat in the great hall, her quill in her hand, desperately scribbling down her answers onto her exam

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Valentina sat in the great hall, her quill in her hand, desperately scribbling down her answers onto her exam. The time was nearly up and she wanted to get as many more details into her answers as possible. Her hand had started to cramp and she couldn't wait for all the studying to be over.

Though she couldn't relax afterwards.

She had to figure out the Diadem and she was running out of time to do so.

She was going to run out of time.

"Time it up! Place your quills down and remain in silence!"

Valentina placed her quill down and rubbed her eyes which were sore from straining at her paper.

Sirius had finished nearly half an hour early and had taken to swinging on his chair and playing with his quill whilst observing Valentina.
A girl from Ravenclaw sat beside him, attempting to grab his attention, twirling her hair. Sirius hadn't seemed to take much notice though.

Valentina was feeling pretty positive about how she had done. The parts she had mainly focused on had been on the exam, which she felt extremely lucky for.
Avery, Mulciber, Rosier, Snape, Cordelia and Violetta waited for her to come over as they all waited outside the door for her.

"How did you all find it?" Avery asked placing a hand on Valentina's shoulder

"I had no idea about the last one" Mulciber mumbled and Severus rolled his eyes at him like he was an idiot

"You moron, it was only about simple transfiguration" Avery said nastily but with amusement.

The boys had wondered off to join the other Slytherin boys in their year such as Wilkes and Rabastan Lestrange.

"Did everything go alright for you both?" Valentina asked Cordelia and Violetta. The girls were more civilised and friendly than the boys, though friendly was a bit of a push.

"I thought it wasn't too bad" Cordelia said simply, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I predicted it to be"

Violetta looked as if she was about to be sick, "I've definitely failed"

"Oh who cares" Cordelia waved off, "your mother and father are looking at betrothal options right this very second. You've no need for NEWTs, none of us do"

"I guess you're right" Violetta agreed, visibly relaxing

"Only a week left until graduation" Cordelia commented as they made their way outside, "Time really does go fast doesn't it"

"Indeed" Valentina agreed, "It felt like yesterday that I'd arrived here"

"We're glad you're here now, aren't we Delia" Violetta said linking arms with Valentina

"of course" Cordelia smiled back, linking arms with Valentina on the other side.

It was the first time Valentina thought she'd seen a genuine smile on Cordelia's face.

"Come on, let's enjoy the afternoon by the lake"

The three girls sat next to the lake, their legs dangling into the water to cool down, their shoes and socks laid out beside them, their school skirts fanned out around them.

Valentina closed her eyes feeling the sun warm her face and she smiled softly, leaning back on her elbows.

The heat was relentless and Valentina had no idea it could be quite so hot in scotland.

Across the way, James, Remus, Peter and most importantly Sirius all seemed to be similarly enjoying the sun.

Peter and Remus leaned against a large oak tree in the shade where James and Sirius had taken to wading into the lake, rolling up their trousers and neglecting their shirts which were discarded on the bank.

Valentina hadn't seemed to notice, her eyes closed and her face to the sun.

However, every female in the five mile radius had seemed to notice.

"It's such a shame isn't it" Cordelia hummed

Valentina opened an eye, "meaning?"

"They're both pure blood" she replied

Valentina opened her eyes and looked across the lake to find James and Sirius in all their glory.

"It's far too terrible that boys such as them are blood traitors, or should I say men" she laughed, "Such a shame, it's such a waste of pure blood. They're so much better looking than some of these troll looking toads we have in Slytherin. Too bad their dirty blood traitors aye" she said laced with amusement.

"You can say that again" Violetta agreed, both girls watching them but not making quite a scene as some other girls surrounding.

"Violetta, you should try and suggest Regulus to your parents for your betrothal. Hope he looks like his elder brother" Cordelia teased

"That sounds like a good idea to me. Valentina? don't you think?"

Valentina hadn't particularly been listening.

She'd been too busy staring at Sirius' muscular chest which glistened in the sunlight from the beads of water that dripped down it and below the waistband of his trousers and the waistband of his underwear. His bulging arms. He pushed his hair back which was slightly damp from the water James had splashed up and his eyes twinkled with mischief and confidence. He oozed confidence. Valentina noticed he still wore the small silver chain around his neck and his muscles rippled as he moved. Valentina had never been so glad for quidditch in her life.

Sirius wasn't quite as muscular as James but it seemed to suit him perfectly.
Though James himself had been reviving plenty of attention, he was an extremely good looking lad, it was not near as enough as Sirius.

Sirius caught the figures of the three girls in his peripheral and instantly looked over to Valentina to see if she was looking.

"They're looking over here" Violetta said anxiously yet excitedly

"Careful Bulstrode" Cordelia warned, "They're still blood traitors" she repeated

Sirius noticed the girls speaking and sent over a cheeky wink in an attempt to wind them up. In Valentina's case, it didn't have the same intention.

James Potter stood beside him and laughed in amusement, slapping a hand on his best mates back.

The three girls rolled their eyes at Sirius.

Though Valentina had to fight off her smile as they did so

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