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Cordelia and Violetta had pulled Valentina away from her books at the Library and dragged her outside to meet up with Avery, Rosier and Mulciber who were all waiting for a carriage into Hogsmeade

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Cordelia and Violetta had pulled Valentina away from her books at the Library and dragged her outside to meet up with Avery, Rosier and Mulciber who were all waiting for a carriage into Hogsmeade.

As valentina stepped outside she inhaled the cold air.

Being a few weeks until Christmas it had snowed and the air temperature had dropped Significantly.

Valentina did well in the cold, she liked it.

The three girls had just stepped outside to find a commotion in the courtyard.

Avery, Rosier and Mulciber all had their wands out.

The girls couldn't quite make out who against.

Valentina noticed a flash of red and gold between the limbs of the bodies involved and closed her eyes in annoyance.

She should've known.

They pushed through the crowds of students to find The Slytherin boys pointing their wands towards James and Sirius who also held their wands up to Avery, Rosier and Mulciber.

Remus Lupin shook his head and he tried to get James and Sirius to just leave it while peter pettigrew looked absolutely petrified.

"What's going on?" Violetta asked

Valentina could quite literally not make it up, her fiancé and her boyfriend were about to have a fight.

Avery was the first one to reply, "This dirty blood traitor bellend just shoved us out the way" he spat

Sirius laughed, "please, all I did was bump into you. Relax mate, it was just an accident" he teased

James potter laughed.

"What are you laughing at Potter?" Avery spat, "What about you run off to your Mudblood girlfriend"

James seemed to rage, "take that fucking back right now" he said flatly but laced with anger

"Would you look at that" Rosier chided in, "You've made him angry Avery" he sneered

The three Slytherins students laughed like it was the funniest thing ever watching James and Sirius before them.

"You're fucking disgusting Avery" Sirius spat, "Everyone here knows the plan for you when you leave Hogwarts. I hope you rot in azkaban for a very long time"

Valentina interrupted Avery as he went to snap back, "This is all so stupid, honestly? Over something as simple as a nudge?" she turned to Avery, "don't" she whispered.

"Valentina move out the way, this is non of your business!" Avery snapped, pushing Valentina away to beside Mulciber and back with Cordelia and Violetta.

"Don't talk to her like that" Sirius said simply but darkly, "don't put your hands on her"

Valentina could practically see his anger vibrating off his body.

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