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Valentina found herself outside the door of Sirius Blacks flat

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Valentina found herself outside the door of Sirius Blacks flat. She stared at the door and flattened her hair in an attempt to try and make herself look less dishevelled.

Knocking once the door swung open.

Sirius stood in the doorway with a lazy smile on his face.

Valentina felt she could breathe again.

"You're not dead"

Sirius laughed, "Me? dead? It'll take a little bit more than scuffle to kill me off"

Valentina smiled as she looked around Sirius flat. It was small and homely and it seemed Sirius was in the process of repainting the walls. As she wondered around Sirius took a seat on his sofa, he let out a groan of pain.

Valentina walked over and looked at him worriedly, glancing at his bruises, black eye and small cuts on his face and arms. "Casper said you'd be dead by the morning. Said you'd you was in a worse state"

Sirius laughed bitterly, "of course the git has said that. He can't stand the fact that he was bettered"

He moved into a comfier position and winced in pain.

Valentina moved over towards him, gently taking a seat beside him. Sirius hadn't changed much. He was still as he always was and Valentina was so relieved. He was still the man she loved.

"Let me help you" She said taking her wand out

"No, no" Sirius said, "Val, it's fine. I'm ok"

"Sirius, It's obvious you're in pain. Let me help you" she insisted

Sirius didn't reply and let her kneel in front of him, in front of the sofa between his legs, cupping his face and gently healing the small cuts on his face. Their faces were inches apart and Valentina had a look of concentration on her face whilst she muttered several spells.

Sirius gazed across her face and into her eyes. He stared at the grey, blue and green flecks in her eyes and wish to feel her soft skin. He could smell her perfume and he was relieved to know that Valentina was still the woman he loved, to find out she hadn't changed.

Valentina had turned her attention to his black eye and the swelling had gone down a little bit. Still, Sirius seemed in excruciating pain.

she looked at him harshly, "What else" she demanded

Sirius laughed and rolled his eyes, "It's just a little cut Val" he said casually, "i've sorted it"

"show me" Valentina insisted

Sirius knew she wouldn't drop it.

He sighed and pulled off his jumper.

Valentina's hand covered her mouth stopping a horrified gasp past her lips.

A bandage on Sirius side, once white, was now stained red with his blood which soaked through it.

"Sirius! that's not been 'sorted'"

Carefully Valentina peeled the old bandage off and started muttering as many healing spells as she knew. Once the wound had closed just enough she sanitised it and wrapped it in a new bandage. Sirius didn't flinch or complain once. She knew it must of been excruciatingly but he never let it show.

Sirius was always ridiculously brave. Something Valentina could only wish to be.

Once she was done Sirius pulled his jumper back over his head.

"Thank you Nurse Karkaroff" he teased as she stood back up

Valentina was about to laugh.

They both realised what had been said at the same moment.

Sirius' face had dropped instantly as the world had seemed to crash down for both of them.

Valentina was no longer a karkaroff.

She was Valentina Avery.

In Sirius' mind, Valentina Black sounded much more fitting. Yet it wasn't the case.

"Look val, I appreciate you coming but I just..."

Valentina looked hurt. Like she was in physical pain.

Sirius could see it in her eyes.

It hurt him equal amounts.

The pain it caused him to think about Valentina was one hundred times that of the injuries he had sustained.

Looking at her he could see the genuine care in her eyes, he could see the fear when she turned up at his door, see the relief when she realised he was alright. Sirius could see that she still loved him.

Valentina stood there as beautiful as ever. Her hair curled and flowed down her back and she wore a black long sleeve fitted top with a white long skirt and some odd boots which didn't really match her outfit.

Valentina noticed his eyes on her shoes.

"they were the first ones I came to" she shrugged sheepishly

Sirius smiled sadly.

He took a few paces forward and pulled Valentina into his arms.

Valentina melted against his body and into his arms. His hug was warm and comforting and she nestled her face into his chest. He smelt of cigarette smoke and aftershave and the slight smell of alcohol from the sanitiser she had just used on his wounds. It was her favourite smell in the world.
Valentina didn't know when she started crying. She only realised when she noticed a wet patch starting to form on Sirius' jumper. Sirius had noticed but only held her tighter even though it hurt his body to do so. He himself had felt tears form in his eyes but wouldn't let Valentina see one fall. He didn't want her to feel worse about it all.

"I've missed you so much" Valentina whispered into his chest, "I've been so lonely. It's so lonely without you"

Sirius just ran his hand over her hair comfortingly.

"I've missed you too Val, everyday" he said, pulling away and wiping a tear off Valentina's cheek.

He looked down at her gently, holding both her hands.

Valentina looked away embarrassed.

Sirius held her chin gently and forced her to look at him, "Don't cry Val" he said softly, "There's no need to cry"

Valentina wiped her eyes.

Sirius gently caressed her cheek comfortingly, "I'm still here and i'm still here for you and I still love you. I always will Val and I'll always be standing with you"

Valentina breathed deeply, once again pulling Sirius into a hug. "Thank you Sirius" she said softly into his chest

Sirius and Valentina had spent hours talking and laughing like they hadn't been apart for months at all. It was always easy with Sirius and fun and gentle and loving and warm.

"I better be going" Valentina sighed as she looked at the clock on the wall, not wanting to leave.

Sirius stood up with her and walked her to the door.

"You will come again, won't you Val?"

"of course I will"

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