Chapter Eight

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I hum and shift in my seat for the tenth time since I've arrived this morning

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I hum and shift in my seat for the tenth time since I've arrived this morning.

My fingers drum against my desk as I frown and look out. My office has floor-to-ceiling windows with blinds down that allow me to look out, but the people from outside can't look inside. It's perfect to keep my privacy intact while also checking that everything is running smoothly.

And right now, shivers run down my spine which means something is off.

The fact that I haven't seen Cassie this morning doesn't sit well with me.

I've been trying to work on some legal documents and licenses, but from time to time, I lift my head and look around for my beautiful assistant.

I haven't seen her bustling around in the office, nor has she come in to greet me or bring me my usual coffee.

The fact that her desk looks untouched is alarming. By now, her desk would be decorated with scattered papers, a mug of coffee, and highlighters and pens thrown everywhere. She's normally very organized but when she's handling many projects at the same time, her desk turns into a warzone of documents, and she's the only one who can understand the logic of the arrangement.

Her desk is bare at this moment.

The muscles in my chest tighten. It looks as though she hasn't come in yet and it's unusual for her not to text me before, letting me know that fact.

I exhale, clenching my jaw.

Something is definitely wrong.

I've been trying to focus on the paperwork, but I can't.

When desperation fills me and it feels like I'm drowning, I rise from my chair and walk out of my office to someone else's desk, hoping they know what's up with my beautiful Cassie.

I shove my hands into my pockets and scowl down at Jenny.

"Jenny?" I begin in a somber tone.

She looks up from her computer and smiles brightly at me. "Good morning, Mr. Lockhart. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Have you seen Cassandra?"

A frown instantly mars her face and she shoots a glimpse at the desk right next to my office. "Uh..." She falters. "No, sir. I haven't seen her today."

My frown deepens as I hum.

The tingling desperation in my skin begins to grow.

"Has she arrived at least?" I question, starting to sound desperate. I clear my throat and attempt to breathe in.

Jenny blinks and shakes her head. "I don't think so, sir."

Then, I nod. "Okay, thank you, Jenny."

My legs carry me back to my office. I'm closing the door when I can't take it anymore and fish for my cellphone in my pocket, desperate to know what's up with Cassie and where she is.

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