Chapter 22

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A/N: Ready for the end?

As the Saturday morning sun gently spilt into the room, casting a warm glow on the bed, Joel turned to you with a tender smile. His eyes sparkled with love and affection as he took your hand in his.

"Darling," he whispered softly, "I've been thinking about us, about our future together. Will you move in with me?"

Your heart fluttered at his words, overwhelmed by the depth of his love. A smile spread across your face as you squeezed his hand.

"Oh, Joel," you replied, your voice filled with excitement and joy. " I think I already moved in." You laughed as you checked the room around you with your clothes and remembered the bathroom counter filled with your creams, shampoo, etc.

Joel's face lit up with pure happiness as he leaned in to kiss you gently, savoring the sweet taste of this new chapter in your lives together. As your lips parted, he cupped your cheek and whispered, "I can't wait to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep in your arms every night."

Your heart melted at his words, and you pulled him closer, cherishing the warmth of his embrace.

The two of you lay there for a few moments, basking in the blissful anticipation of your future together. The soft sound of your steady breaths and the gentle rhythm of your heartbeats created a comforting symphony that seemed to echo the love that blossomed between you.

Joel brushed a strand of hair away from your face and whispered, "You know, I've been thinking about how lucky I am. Not only have I found the love of my life, but we're also about to welcome a precious little one into our lives. Our baby will be so lucky to have you as their mother."

A wave of happiness and awe washed over you as you placed a hand on your growing belly. You looked up at Joel, your eyes shimmering with tears of joy. "And I'm so lucky to have you as their father," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of love and gratitude.

Joel leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss against your belly, whispering sweet words to your unborn child. As he pulled away, he looked into your eyes and said, "Our family is going to be filled with so much love, happiness, and laughter."

Touched by his words, you reached up to cup his cheek and replied, "Me too, Joel. Me too."

As the day of the appointment with Dr. Kane arrived, you and Joel were filled with excitement and anticipation. Holding hands tightly, you walked into the clinic, the atmosphere buzzing with the sound of joyful chatter and the soft melody of Christmas carols playing in the background.

After checking in, you sat together in the waiting area, stealing glances at each other and exchanging smiles. Joel squeezed your hand gently and whispered, "Can you believe it? We're going to find out the gender of our baby today!"

You chuckled softly, feeling a surge of butterflies in your stomach. "I know, it's hard to believe."

Just then, a nurse called your name, and you both stood up, ready to embark on this new adventure. The nurse led you to the examination room, where Dr. Kane greeted you with a warm smile.

"Hello, you two! How are you feeling today?" Dr. Kane asked, sensing your excitement.

"We're doing great," Joel replied, beaming with pride. "We can't wait to find out more about our little one."

Dr. Kane chuckled, placing a hand on your belly. "Well, let's have a look then, shall we?"

As Dr. Kane moved the ultrasound wand over your belly, the room filled with the soft thumping sound of your baby's heartbeat. Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched the screen, seeing your little one moving and squirming around.

From the start (Joel Miller x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now