Pride Episode 2 [Final Episode of the Season]

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A/N: How are you doing this week? Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is just around the corner, you know. Only 1 week and 8 days away respectively and counting. I hope your stockings are hung above your fireplace, you have a wreath hung on your front doors, Christmas lights are shining bright around your homes, and that you have a decorated Christmas Tree set up for Santa Claus and his presents. Hit the star if you've enjoyed this chapter in the Pride series.

Four kingdoms in the western part of the peninsular continent of Ishtar were connected by a common border. They were Fiore, Isvan, Seven, and Bosco. Severenth and Isvanian people were doing the best they could to lead productive lives as law-abiding citizens. But the same cannot be said in regard to Bosco and Fiore's people. The expansion of Parliament's authority to match that of the Royal Family is a contentious issue, with some advocating for a revival of absolute monarchism. Those who advocate for constitutional monarchy often vote for center-left or center-right Members of Parliament to represent them in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Supporters of absolute monarchism have elected conservative MPs who are aligned with the far right of the political spectrum. The MPs in question were staunch nationalists determined to rejuvenate Fiore's lost sense of national identity, yet their left-wing and moderate adversaries vehemently refute this notion. Every year on Election Day, the Parliamentary elections for the Member of Parliament or Prime Minister were filled with intense anticipation as the votes were being tallied by her majesty, the Queen of Fiore. Mary I was a Scot immigrant, fled ethnic persecution in her homeland of Scotland. She married the current King of Fiore, Ferdinand X and their marriage was happy. They were often spotted embarking on royal visits to the countryside in their elegant carriage, while playfully taunting each other. The Queen took great pleasure in having her beloved husband as a philosophical sparring partner, and he, in turn, eagerly embraced this spirited dynamic with equal enthusiasm. The royal couple was adored by the people, and they felt proud to have such a dynamic duo leading their country. However, some opposed the growing power of Parliament, while others embraced its increasing authority. Together, they brought a sense of unity and strength to the nation, solidifying their legacy in the hearts of the Fioreans for generations to come.

I can still recall the moment when I strolled back home from work, and unexpectedly stumbled upon their magnificent castle. While admiring its magnificence, I suddenly witnessed an exhilarating spectacle taking place in the courtyard: frolicking around, they were immersed in a lively game of chase, playfully imitating monsters.It was the Queen's turn, and she signaled for silence with a smirk as she stealthily approached her husband. Ferdinand was searching everywhere, but he couldn't locate her. So he dropped his guard, and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh as the Queen let out a scream right next to his ear, causing him to jump a staggering 5 feet into the air and hit his head on a low-hanging branch. The King howled in pain, clutching his aching head, while I rolled with laughter as he mockingly glared at his wife. She sent him an innocent look, blew him a kiss, and then dashed away, laughing. He sprinted after her, and they shared laughter as they ran through the corridors of the castle. Seeing the usually unapproachable King and Queen engage in such playful behavior was truly a rare and heartwarming sight. Their genuine joy in each other's company filled my heart with warmth. As they vanished around the corner, a surge of envy washed over me, witnessing the unwavering bond between them that only seemed to deepen with every passing day. I returned home, concluding my part in the story. Regrettably, society was still deeply divided between liberals and conservatives. Amidst these partitions, I was fortunate enough to witness the ignition of hope, as individuals from conflicting factions diligently sought common ground and engaged in meaningful conversations. Change, although gradual, was clearly attainable as individuals confronted their own convictions and united in their strive for a more promising future.Having a smart queen by his side, Fiore possessed a golden opportunity for rejuvenation. However, the realization of this potential would demand the presence of a prominent prime minister who can govern alongside their Majesties. The intelligence and wisdom of the queen formed a strong basis for the revival of the nation, with a capable prime minister who could complement her leadership by governing in harmony with the monarchy. Working together, they could foster unity and progress, offering their nation a promising future ahead.

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