Chapter one: first day of school

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This chapter is dedicated to RachelStanley3 for being the first to answer the question in the prologue. For those who don't know, the question as well as the answer was this:

Q: Now, can anyone guess who the babysitter is?

A: Artemis.

There you have it. Thank you all for the support in this book. Ill get to the story now so I don't waste anybody's time. Enjoy
(Edited: 01 February 2018)

She glanced at Percy as he bolted to the table and into his seat. She gave him a small smile and patted his head while dishing up his food, which was blue eggs and waffles. She dished up for everyone else and bid them farewell. On her way out, she cast one last glance at the young boy, sadness in her eyes as she saw him talking the two adults away, her gut feeling getting worse. With a regretful sigh, she exited the apartment, closed the door and seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Present day:
Percy woke up and sighed. Another day was starting and he had a feeling it would be as bad as any other day he has had so far. He just layed in his bed and stared at the cealing, contemplating his life before his mum came into his room. There was a soft knock on his bedroom door, causing Percy to avert his gave from the plain cealing and to glance at the door briefly before it opened.

His mum poked her head through the open door and gazed at her son with a sad smile gracing her lips. She walked in and sat down on the edge of his bed,taking hold of his hand. A twinge of pain went through her heart when he flinched slightly from the contact.

"Come on Percy, its time to get up. You start school today, remember?" All she got as a response was a nod.

She slowly got up from her spot on the bed and quietly made her way out of his room. Once the door had closed, Percy hawled himself out of bed, flinching slightly at the pain that rippled along his body from the movement. He made his way to his bathroom, which was attached to his bedroom, with a slight limp to his step.

Once inside the bathroom, Percy slowly removed his shirt to tend to the previous nights wounds. He gazed in the mirror to examine his back. It was riddled with cuts and glass was still stuck in the flesh where the bottles had hit him. There were bruises going along his sides where he had been kicked and slammed into the wall. His chest and his stomach were just about in the same state as his back was.

He winced as some of the cuts opened up when he reached over to pick up a cloth, some gauze, ointment and a bandage. He turned towards the tap and soaked the cloth, proceeding to squeeze the water out onto his back, rinsing the blood away. He did the same to his chest and stomach, trying to avoid touching the bruises that ran along his ribs. He then picked the ointment and the gauze up and squeezed some of the cream onto the gauze. He gently placed the gauze onto the major cuts on his chest, stomach and back.

Once the gauze was on, he very carefully wrapped the bandage around his body. He took one look at his arms and decided to just wear a hoodie today. He then looked back in the morror to observe his face. He had a black eye, a cut on his bottom lip and on his right cheek. He sighed and brushed his teeth, not bothering to sort his hair out. Once back in his room, he moved around picking his clothes for the day, which were black jeans, a white polo neck, a black hoodie and dark blue converse.

*Haitus*The broken and the muted boy(a Percabeth fanfic) *currently Under Edit*Where stories live. Discover now