Chapter two: nosey classmates

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And now it is time for chapter two. I just want to thank all the people who support me and leave possitive comments behind. It helps motivate me to carry on writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter, for I'll be bringing in some of the gang.

(Edited: 01 February 2018)

Sally helped her son up and they both stumbled towards the bathroom, trying to make as little noise as possible. She helped clean his wounds and bandage him back up in fresh gauze. She helped get the glass out of his hair and his head, washed the blood out in the process. She then helped him into his room and into bed, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight honey. I'll see you in the morning. Sleep tight." She turned his light off and walked out, wishing to take her sons pain away from him.


Percy woke up with a groan, the previous days events coming back to him. Managing to get out of bed, Percy got dressed in blue jeans, a blue v-neck, black converse and a black hoodie. He went into his bathroom and brushed his teeth, not caring about his hair. He avoided looking in the mirror, not wanting to see what his face looked like. He had just walked out of his bathroom when his mum came into the room.

"Good morning sweetheart. I see you're up and ready early today. Why don't you come down to the kitchen and have a little something to eat. How does that sound?"

Percy nodded his head, albeit a bit hesitantly, and followed his mum. Percy gould faintly hear Gabe snoring somewhere in the house, and still with a slight limp, he made it downstairs and into the kitchen with his mum.

On the dining room table was a bowl of blue cereal, a jug of milk and a plate of waffles. A nostalgic feeling shot through Percy, nearly making him stumble, but he steadied himself before his mum noticed. He used to have this for breakfast everyday, that is until Gabe decided to slowly starve the teen. Now, he ate 1 fruit every few days, that was all he could stomach really.

Gulping, Percy sat down and picked up the knife and the fork and cut a small piece from the waffle. He popped it in his mouth, chewed for a bit and swallowed. He did this until he had finished one waffle, ignoring the cereal. He put his knife and fork next to the second waffle and looked at his mum with pleading eyes, trying to convoy that he wasn't hungry. She nodded in understanding and began cleaning the table.

Percy grabbed his bag, kissed his mum on the head and made his way out the door, about to begin his walk to school. He wasn't as early as he was the day before, bacause this time he had sat down and eaten something. There was a group of kids standing in front of the school, laughing and jocking around. Percy tried to make his way around them, not wanting to enteract with anybody, when one of the guys from the group spotted him. He nudged one of the other guys, which caught the others attention as well. He pointed in Percy's direction, and as if by a silent command, the whole group turned to look at him. He tried ignoring them, but the boy who spotted him jogged towards him, stopping once he was in Percy's way, blocking him from walking into the school.

"Hey, you're the new kid, ummm, Perseus right? My name's Jason. My friends and I wanted to know if you wanted to join us. You looked really lonely yesterday during the lunch period, so we thought we'd ask you."

Percy nodded, confirming that he was in fact the new kid and that was his name. He ignored the hand offering a handshake and tried not to flinch when Jason raised his hands, making wild gestures while he spoke. He thought about the offer for a little bit, and eventually nodded his head.

*Haitus*The broken and the muted boy(a Percabeth fanfic) *currently Under Edit*Where stories live. Discover now