Chapter three: something to live for

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Nobody was able to guess the hint, and only one perspn had managed to guess the most, so this chapter is dedicated to the_cherrio.

The hint was: H_ I_ _ G__m__ O__ F___!
the_cherrio had managed to guess 'He Is A'.

The actual answer to the hint was: 'He Is A Grumpy Old Fart'

Thank you to all those who had attemted answering this. I hope you enjoy this next chapter and that you are liking the music to the chapters. And please, if you see any mistakes, let me know.

(Edited: 18 April 2018)

His back felt like it was on fire, he had a lovely bruise gracing the side of his face that faded into his hairline. His ribs throbed painfully. His ankle was swollen and was turning a purple colour and to top it off, he was just about ready to pass out.

He half stumbled, half limped towards his room, but before he could make it to his bed, he fell onto the ground and passed out when his head smacked against the floor.


"Oh gosh! What happened to you!?" A startled and panicked voice yelled out.

The sudden yell startled him awake. He opened his eyes to try and see what the comotion was, but he was met with the worried face of his mother and the cold hard ground against his head.

He blinked slowly, trying to figure out what had happened the night before and an explanation as to why he was on the ground and not his bed.

When all the memories from the night before came flooding back into his mind, he tried to get up, but when he couldn't, he panicked and started hyperventilating. He looked at his mother with panick in his eyes. Upon realising what the issue was, his mum struggled to help her son get up from the floor and onto his bed. It was painful for Percy, but they eventually managed to lay him down on his back on his bed.

She touched his cheek and asked him, "Percy, honey, what's the matter?"

All percy could do was look at her. he couldn't talk and now he couldn't write anything down to tell her. He just stared at her with panicked and tearful eyes. He didn't know how to convey to his mother that he couldn't feel anything from his neck down and that he couldn't move.

Remembering that her son couldn't talk, she got up and said, "I'll be back now sweetheart. I'm just going to go call a doctor to come check on you quickly. You just stay here and rest up for a bit."

Knowing that there was no changing her mind, Percy lay there waiting for his mum to come back. Not 20 minutes later, his mum came into the room with a grim look on her face.

"Percy, honey, the docter will be here later this afternoon. I phoned the school and informed them that something has happened and you won't be at school today and possibly the next few days."

Percy gulped slightly, but nodded his head. She picked him up by the shoulders again and set him in a sitting position on his bed. He was leaning against his headboard with his pillows supporting his back.

*Haitus*The broken and the muted boy(a Percabeth fanfic) *currently Under Edit*Where stories live. Discover now