Chapter six: the interrogation

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And I am back with yet another chapter update in such a short time. This chapter is dedicated to daughter_of_olympus for being the first to comment in the previous chapter.

I just want to thank you all for supporting me with this book and ecouraging me to carry on. Anyway, on with the story! Enjoy. ^^
(Edited: 24 January 2019)

Percy relaxed a little, but kept his guard up, before it dawned on him that he had lost his composure. He glanced at Annabeth and saw her staring at him with wide eyes. Of course, Percy being Percy, he chose to run out of the building and see how far he could go, which wasn't that far.

Annabeth caught him by the doors and held onto his arm as she began to talk.

"Percy, I am really sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to my house with the others for lunch."

Percy looked around for an escape before her words settled on his mind. He glanced down at his watch, thinking of the possibility and the consequence. He fished his phone out of his pocket and went to his mums contact before handing the phone to Annabeth. She took it and looked down in confusion before it dawned on her. She dialed the number and held it to her ear, letting go of Percys arm. After a while, the line picked up and a women answered.

"Hello? Percy, honey, is that you?"


"Hello Mrs. Jackson. My name is Annabeth. I am a friend of your sons."

"Oh hello deary. Is everything alright? Is Percy ok?"

"Yes mam. Everything is fine and Percy is well. I'm actually calling on his behalf. You see, my friends and I want him to come over for lunch, but we weren't sure if it would be okay wit-"

"Oh don't stress your little brains out. Go for it. Take him with you anytime you want deary."

"Th-thank you mrs. Jackson."

"Oh please, none of that 'mrs. Jackson' stuff. Just call me Sally dear. Now, I have to go. Please take care of my son."

"I will ma- I mean Sally."

With that, they hung up and Annabeth turned to Percy and smiled.

"Your mom said its perfectly fine and that you can join us any day you want."

Percy smiled slightly and headed outside, following Annabeth to the car park, where he saw the others surrounding a light gray car, a sky blue one, a black one and a red and orange one. He saw Jason by the blue one with Thalia, Piper, Frank and Hazel, Nico was by the black one with Luke, Will, Clarisse and Chriss, and Leo was by the red and orange one with Calypso, Juniper, Salina and Charles. Once everyone saw Percy and Annabeth, the all climbed into the cars. Grover walked over to the gray one and waited for them.

"You sure took your wise time to get here Annabeth."

"Well I'm sorry Grover, but I had to fetch this one," she pointed at percy with her thumb. "And call his mum to ask for permission."

*Haitus*The broken and the muted boy(a Percabeth fanfic) *currently Under Edit*Where stories live. Discover now