Session 3: Under Wings of Grace by Melody Shalurne

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Session 3

Under Wings of Grace by Melody Shalurne

Seventeen-year-old Robin Elliott inherited her parents' problems and mistakes. Now, dangerous people from her parents' past are out for blood, and they won't rest until all possible loose-ends are dealt with. Robin must right the wrongs of her parents and fight to stay alive against the ruthless people willing to do anything to keep their secrets silent. Will she survive long enough to do so?


Discussion Questions

1) Robin's parents are killed in a car crash. Even though they certainly are far from winning parents of the year - years - Robin still has feelings, not necessarily of ill intent, toward them. Do you think her reaction is realistic given what you learn about them - would you be saddened by their death if you were Robin?

2) As my story is the first in the CBC reading list to have a teenager as the main character, as opposed to an adult, do you think the reactions are consistent to a teenager's? Could my characters' emotions be further divulged?

3) You may have seen the red flags peeking up from Mr. Bishop's personality. Do you believe there is any good in his character?

4) Oh gosh, another one of my lame questions to squander your time, so sorry. *Blush, downcast eyes* Lol, I promise I will shut my trap after this! XD

As Robin has had painful experiences in her past, she is reluctant to get close to anyone in fear that it will only lead to more pain in the end. Do you think this method of defence is something relatable?

5) Please provide any editorial feedback you might have, i.e. How can I make it better?
I know I am terrible and am far less experienced as a bring it on! XD *preparing myself for onslaught of fix up this mess of grammar/spelling, etc. reviews* XD


Due to popular demand (no, seriously) we're going to be publishing the upcoming session details on Fridays. Sessions will still start on a Monday, but if you'd like to get a head start over the weekend, then you're welcome to! 

No updates to our guidelines this week, but if 
you haven't already, please read The Rule Book and make sure you understand the participation requirements for members.

This is our third session, but we'll go over things again, just in case:

1) Read at least the first five chapters of the featured book

2) Comment on at least five chapters of the featured book

3) Once that's done, come back here and write a comment that contains:

- a short review or recount of your reading experience with the featured book (at least 75 words)

- answer at least three of the author's questions (see above). Your response should be numbered and submitted in the form of a comment on this chapter of The Review Book.

One small reminder, when leaving comments please be mindful of those who may not have read beyond the requisite first five chapters :)  

4) Continue to participate in discussion with other members as it arises

Please ensure you complete this before the next session commences (new sessions start every Monday), but the sooner the better!

Most importantly, HAVE FUN--that's an ALL CAPS order from the Almighty!

- Ara & Lucy

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