Session 6: Living With the Choices We Make by Sal Mason

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Session 6

Living With the Choices We Make (LWTCWM) by SallyMason1

A Domestic Violence Tale: When Rena met Brent, he was a dream come true. He was a real gentleman, funny, caring and even her overly protective father liked him.But then, she discovered a different side of Brent - a violent side that scared her. Promising that this had been a one time slip up, she forgave him. After all, he was the love of her life.She didn't see the signs - the controlling, the alienation from her friends and dad, the obsession he had with her. She was like putty in his hands.Over time, she learned about the Cycle of Abuse the hard way and she even tried to break free. But in the end, she only saw one way out and it will likely cost her everything.

Authors Note:

This is a story about domestic violence and can be disturbing at times. Even though the people inthis book are fictional, abuse at the hands of a loved one is real. It is something that can happen to any of us, even to teenagers like Rena. Please do not read this book if you find this topic disturbing. It is not designed to upset anyone but to raise awareness.


Discussion Questions:

1) The story starts out almost at the end of the book and literally kills part of the suspense since the reader knows from the start that she murdered her abuser. Did this take away from the overall enjoyment of the story? or did it work as a hook because you wanted to find out what drove her to her violent act?

2) Much feedback has been gathered on the first four chapters about the pace the relationship between Rena and Brent developed. Some readers felt that they would have liked to get to know the positive side of the characters more before the abuse started, others agree with the pacing. 
What was your impression? Were you able to fall in love with Brent or would you have liked to see more of his sweeter side and an in-depth development of their "good" relationship?
(Keep in mind that there will always be a certain degree of bias since you already know from the outset that he is the abusive antagonist of the story which may influence your perception of him.)

3) The title "Living With The Choices We Make" is lengthy and may not catch the attention of an average reader who is just browsing a bookshelf. What is your opinion on that? Did this title draw you in or would you have passed if it wasn't part of this book club (please be honest, I can take it)? Do you think the title fits the book or would you prefer something more short and snappy (and if so, do you have any ideas)?

4) Especially in the first chapters, the red flags of abuse are developed. Did you feel they were clearly visible or too embedded into the plot and could be missed by readers? Would you have liked them highlighted more, perhaps during one of the chapters with Doc at the jail?

5) Please provide any editorial feedback you might have, i.e. How can I make it better?


Don't forget to check in with The Rule Book - there are two new chapters that we really want to hear your thoughts on. If we don't hear back from you, the Almighty might just be tempted to turn from benevolent rulers to heinous dictators and make terrible decisions without considering your feelings (not really, but please still read and reply to those two topics!).

What we also want to know:
Do you want a break week next week? Or do you like the idea of featuring a non-ChickLit book (see: new chapters in the Rule Book!)? or should we push on to Session 7?

A warm welcome to our new CBC members - and all you folks being creepy silent stalkers at home. 

Ara and Lucy have had crazy busy realness invading their offline worlds the past couple of weeks, so we've been a bit less vocal than usual, but we're still here and trying to decide whether we need to get our perm reset, or maybe go for a shaved undercut at our next hair-ppointment...

- Ara & Lucy x


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