CH 2

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The entire palace got startled when they saw a human like thing in their Queen's arms; instead of the serious face and lines in her forehead,a wide big smile was painted on her face today.

All the maids and guards wondered what that thing was.It had no particular smell of vampire, werewolf or a human.But none dared to question as Mrs Kim hates to explain her actions.

Jungkook was drowned in observing the interior of the house , furnished with expensive showpiece,gold plated items, antique paintings and all....

"Baby, how is your new house looking?"

Kook said nothing.His eyes sparkling like diamonds while his tiny fingers were touching everything he could reach while Mrs Kim carried her.A big pout formed on his face when he raised his hand to touch a rose painting but couldn't as it was above his reach.

" cute!!!"Mrs Kim cooed for the 3rd time today.She adjusted him properly in her arms and raised him up.
Kook clutched the painting and began to pull it down.Unfortunately , the painting didn't change its position as it was bigger and longer than kook's height!

Mrs Kim was going to bring him in her embrace again when his clutch got tighter.....he was hanging like a monkey.

Mrs Kim chuckled...the mischievous acts were what the palace was lacking since centuries...

"Oh my! So you like roses I see ...." Mrs Kim pulled kook to herself and walked towards the door.

"Let's bathe my baby...after that you'll meet your hyungs right?"

Jungkook tilted his head cutely."Y-ywess"he giggled..
She opened the door and looked at a guard and spoke in the same plain and strict tone~

"Prepare a rose onesie and baby shoes....And I want all the latest designs of baby dresses trending in the Empire within today evening, arranged in a baby wardrobe "
'what's that thing?'

'It's weird...he doesn't smell like a human....but her majesty is quite fond of him ...she didn't even introduce him to us...'

' I fear ....what will happen to that cute soul if his highness finds it out...he loves killing '
Unlike the normal gloomy atmosphere of the Mansion,today it was filled with chatters and bickerings,as if a long lost member has returned and definitely it didn't go unnoticed by Kim Seokjin who happened to be returning from his work,tired.

He was puzzled when he heard all the maids were talking of a b-a-b-y . There's no B.A.B.Y in Kim's Palace.

He shrugged off.Maid's discussion should not his concern , specially if it's regarding a baby,he is least interested about those dwarf like creatures, crying all day for food and definitely a piece of absolute foolishness..!!

He headed towards his Eomma 's room to discuss about some matters concerning their clan .He was about to knock the door when a high pitched baby squeal reached his ears.
'wait what???'

Penetrating the security system of the Palace was impossible.He looked sideways..The corridor was entirely empty .

'Over worked today....need a tight sleep...stop hallucinating Jin..' he scolded himself... there's no fucking baby in the house.

"Hehehe...eommaaa...meh ish Jungkook" another time the voice was heard, stopping the thoughts echoing in his ears.

Jin was was not a hallucination.A devil has penetrated their defence system disguised in baby form,fooled the guards,entered the palace and....and..he is now in Eomma's room!???

Baby • Highness [BTS ×Jk]✓Where stories live. Discover now