CH 24

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The conjunction of the blue sky and the silvery moon illuminates the night sky of the world with a deeper enchantment. Night has fallen in the Palace with celestial stars and the moon, but for the first time Kim Jungkook wasn't at the garden to witness it.

The sun sunk into the horizon welcoming a heart touching wind wrapping around the atmosphere.... soothing the chest of the Earth.

'He looks so innocent and fragile...'

' just a weak human'

'how did he even survive in that palace?'

' I hope he wasn't tortured'

'hey...look !he's waking up.'

The enchanting pairs of ebony orbs finally unlocked it's curtains, giving the owner an opportunity to look around.

Kim Jungkook raised himself up to a sitting position holding his palms around the aching head,vision yet in a blur.Whimpering a little,he dragged his leg to the feet only to yelp in a burning pain. Looking down, he found his wrists and ankles chained up.

Eyes shifted to the's grass underneath...thick fabrics covering the four sides of the room like area and a blazing fire illuminating the other side of the's dim yellowish glow peeping in and mixing with the darkness.

' a tent?' the boy thought.

"Are you hungry little guy?" A hoarse voice captured Jungkook's ears as he dilated his pupils focussing at the nearest vicinity. Some furry four legged creatures were looking at him beaming him with blue burning glares.

"Ahhhh~ Eomma s-save me!"he shouted at his highest vocal strength as he backed away till his chained ankles could drag him and curled up in a ball hiding his face in his knees.

"Uh....these human cubs. Cheong, turn to two legged."

Unfortunately for the boy who was covering his eyes with fists couldn't witness the transformation of the two males until another deep voice rang inside ~

"Hey boy, Don't be scared. We are better than those mosquitoes you lived with."

Hearing such wrong allegations about him, Jungkook slowly dared to detach his lashes....two beast like males were circling him... piercing his presence with pair of blue eyes.

"Um... w-what mo-mosquitoes?"

"What do you think vampires are? Blood sucking mosquitoes in a human body!"

The sarcastic tone humiliated the Baby Highness... someone is humiliating his Empire's people, criticizing his family.

"You'll be punished f-for insulting the clan." The boy mumbled, cutely frowning.

"He's damn cute.... I swear Kang, I always wanted a son like him."

Jungkook glared at the two males...the audacity to ignore a Highness's words wasn't something he encountered in the Palace in his eighteen years of life.

Noticing the confusion adorned in his face, the guy named Cheong spoke out ~

"See little guy, the laws of your freaking Empire doesn't work on in Red Woods. So, there's no fear of punishment and you ain't a highness here."

Jungkook blinked trying to process the declaration. The blowing breeze and the golden fire engulfing the outside.... darkness gently rubbing the atmosphere already hinted him that the tent is inside a forest.

"B-but what are y-you?"

"Oh little guy,it's the Midnight Pack.Now tell me..."Kang inched closer to him and sniffed the boy....what did you do that Highness brought you here?"

Baby • Highness [BTS ×Jk]✓Where stories live. Discover now