CH 16

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The four pairs of confident eyes suddenly turned nervous,looked with absolute horror at the new inclusion of the room...

An enraging  silence bursted all over the room, blowing a storm inside the four lord's head as they continued to work on how exactly to frame words on their mouth.

As always,Namjoon chose to take the lead.

"E... Eomma? You returned today?I mean you didn't inform us."

The lady barged inside the room unbothered of all the weird gazes on her as she placed herself comfortably on the central armchair and took off her sunglasses —

"Why? Do I need to send an appeal to enter my own palace hmm? Giving surprises is important... otherwise how will I know what you lords do behind my back!?"she smirked at the last sentence.

Jin sighed...their sassy mom always succeeds in shutting them up.Even the smartest vampire alive, Namjoon's bold gestures fails to reason with Her Majesty.

It's not his  fault tho...who wins in a verbal fight with Mom?

"So....where is my baby?"

Suga rose his head and managed to push his cheeks up, displaying a forced smile—

"Well, is alright.We cared for him in your absen...."

"Oh I know your Tangerine calls you Suga hyungie,Yoon .Just tell me where he is. I have bought toys and dresses for him."

Yoongi's breath hitched as he started coughing heavily.....after passing him some water, Taehyung asked —

" do you know? I mean you weren't in the...?"

"Oh my boy,I also know that you have manipulated my baby to obey you in whatever you demand till eternity. And Namjoon?"

The tallest Vampire rose his head which was hanging low all this time to avoid an eye contact with his mother.

"Ye...yes Eomma?"

"You have actually gifted your broken precious pen to your Golden  but you roam around everywhere saying that he pleaded you to  hand over the thing. Also,you dared to trick Kookie to owe his body to you forever?"

Namjoon visibly gulped hearing the strict tone....his logics and reasonings chose to hid behind his clumsy face,mouth hung open to the floor as he got mercilessly exposed by his own mother.

Jin was still in a turmoil searching whether his Eomma has got to know something regarding him too and if yes how exactly will he defend himself.

But then again he began to recall whether he has comitted any controversial deeds with the baby  or not..

"Eomma um... how do you know?"the eldest lord asked, hesitation screaming out in his each words.

"I have my own ways ,child.Tell me where he is?"

"I guess you know that too." Suga mumbled in his lowest voice but unfortunately for him,it was audible to Mrs.Kim.

"Yes,he is sleeping at Jin's room now...but my motive of the question is to know why exactly is my baby sleeping at the afternoon instead of being at school when I personally emailed each of you to  admit him in one!!!"her yelling clearly showed how annoyed she is at her sons.

None of them had a perfect answer to present.

"A bunch of manipulative souls are wearing the crowns of lords.... You guys can't even handle a kid and expect me to give you the Kingdom." She spat before getting up, heading towards the door.

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