CH 35

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The younger asked, fluttering his lashes open to the warmth of Yoongi's affection. The two souls are together,close without any hindrance to their moments.

The elder pulls Jungkook close, wrapping him in a comforting embrace,both lying on Yoongi's king sized bed.

"Yes my Tangerine?"

The younger tilts his head in confusion, innocence shining through in the vulnerability of his uncertainty.

An irrational fear pounds in his chest and the Highness springs up, his breath coming in short gasps as he stares wide-eyed at Yoongi.

"Wait, Suga... I-I think... you... made me pregnant?"

The vampire's eyes widen in surprise, his heart aching at the innocence of Jungkook's worry.

"What? No Tangy, that's not how it works. It's just a kiss, it can't make you pregnant."

"What? I can't get pregnant?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows,pouting at the remark.

The elder curses internally for the mischoice of words , completely taken aback at the younger's sudden intensity of distress.

"Of course you can baby and you will. But this is not the way you think it works." Yoongi's arms tighten around Jungkook, a silent vow of protection and comfort.

"You don't even know basic biology hyung. You used your tongue on me. Now...I-I'll get fat and we aren't even married and I got with a baby."

The ebony brows knit together in a furrow of concern, but it only serves to accentuate the innocence that radiates from his doe-like eyes.

There's a subtle quiver to his roseate bottom lip and the elder had to clutch the bedsheet to resist the urge of feeling those lips against him again.

"Wait.... how will I explain this to Eomma?"

Jungkook looks up demanding an answer while Yoongi remains silent, admiring the purity of his Tangerine.

Soft tears begin to form in the ebony orbs,shimmering like dewdrops against his pale cheeks, sobs echoing in the quiet room.

"I...I will never forgive you!"

A conflicted expression crosses Yoongi's face, his brows furrowing with concern as he searches for the right words.

He reaches out, his hand hovering hesitantly over Jungkook's trembling form, torn between wanting to reassure him and fearing that his attempts may inadvertently deepen Jungkook's distress.

Despite the gravity of the situation, there's something undeniably touching about Jungkook's innocence, a reminder of the preciousness of his tender heart that urges a piece of Yoongi's heart longs to shield Jungkook from the harsh realities of the world, to preserve the purity that shines so brightly in his eyes.

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