CH 7

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(A small note : Jin will be calling kook as Choco, Taehyung as Bunny ,Suga as Tangerine and Namjoon as Golden...these are nicknames)

"Um hyungie..."
Koo was looking up at the pale elder who was continuously eyeing him with an instense gaze,making the tensed atmosphere of the room darker.

Yoon didn't reply.
He was just busy swallowing the features of the tiny creature in his hands.

The sun is peeking through the window of the room while streaks of sunlight were trying to crack through the curtains.

Suddenly, a massive hand reached up Jungkook's shoulder, successfully flinching him as he tried to move backwards.


A loud thud was heard as kook landed on the floor in his endeavour to move away...
Yoongi used his vampire speed trying to catch up the baby in his arms which ultimately resulted in 2 bodies lying on the floor!

Suga's hands had perfectly circled around the Baby, securely wrapping his back...his arms fitted into the delicate body as if they were made to be held by those palms,his entire body has actually covered the baby thus protecting him from the hard floor.

After taking sometime, Suga unlocked his eyes only to catch up the beauty wrapped inside his embrace.

His pouty roseate lips,wide ebony orbs revealing that he is unaware of the entire incident of falling down,nose having an shiny glint in them

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His pouty roseate lips,wide ebony orbs revealing that he is unaware of the entire incident of falling down,nose having an shiny glint in them.

"Why are we on the f-floor?" Koo asked innocently.

Suga startled...he searched his inner self mindlessly...'Something is there about this creature....why is he so weak and dumb?'

It's ironic as his inner beast was faltering his sanity as he felt the soft figure against his chest, innocent eyes demanding him an answer.

"Too innocent....hmm? Would be too much fun to destroy..."Suga said out of no where after having a tough battle within himself.

Koo realised....the creatures around him in the palace look down upon him as a 'weak soul who is to be under their mercy'.

"Inno-cen-cence ish not weak ,meh libes in cruwel world wit-th kin-kindnesh..." Koo justified himself with the same baby soft voice but this time,it held a firm strength in it.

Suga widened his eyes.'What does he mean?He is a kid right?? What's with that philosophy he is preaching??'

Kook rested his head on Yoongi's chest as he spoke out again ....." Me ish actually strwong y-yet k-kind.... Suga hyung."

There was a heavy silence as Suga took some long minutes to realise what the boy meant... It was a big pang to his was as if the little kid has mocked to his 3016 years of living with those words. It was as if the boy pointed him out how wrong those ideologies were when he believed 'To be powerful,no mercy should be shown to the world.'

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