CH 40

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Please follow me. I want your love guys.
My bday is coming,so...can you please gift me A FOLLOW? Please 🥺



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'So soft.'

'Just like my Bunny.'

'Plushy cheeks.'

Kim Taehyung, the soulful Alpha of the Empire shifted slightly, seeking a more comfortable position to something quite rigid holding his waist.

As the first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, casting a golden hue across the room, Taehyung stirred from his peaceful slumber. He felt a comforting warmth enveloping him, and as he slowly blinked his eyes open, the world came into focus.

At first, everything was a blur, shapes and colors melding together in the soft morning light. But as his vision cleared, he realized he was nestled against something soft and yielding.

The immortal's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the texture of Jhope's hoodie, the scent of his cologne lingering in the air. Panic surged through him as he realized he had been unknowingly snuggling up to a wolf .

In an instant, Taehyung's eyes flew open wide, his breath catching in his throat. He quickly withdrew, a startled yelp escaping his lips as he scrambled away from Jhope's sleeping form.

"Oh my..mother~"

The sudden movement jostled Jhope awake, and he blinked blearily, confusion evident in his sleepy gaze.

"Who's howling?"

Yoongi stirs up, focussing on the males~each lying on the floor, Jimin and Seokjin still snoring and Jhope and Taehyung eyeing each other.

"Did you harass me in my sleep?" Taehyung wraps his arms around his chest dragging his body closer into a lump with a pair of furrowing brows stitched at the scarlet head.

The wolf however grits at the question," Do you think you have anything worth enough to be harassed?"

Seokjin whins at the commotion, unable to conclude if it's reality or he's still in a dream where his brothers as always are contributing to his sleeping disorder.

The lord gradually opens his eyes, the world outside reflecting on his irises as he jerks up at the crimson view .

"Why's all so red?"

The rest of the inclusion,shifts their eyes from each other into the floor. Broken skull,skin and cartilages wrapped in vermillion liquid are adorned hapazardly all across the rough floor, beside them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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