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Artorias walked through the forest he resided in, a storm raging on. Having spent a day relaxing and letting his wounds heal the knight realized he was completely lost. So he trudged on with his old sword on his back and hood pulled up. He still had no idea what the black liquid that seemed attached to his armor was, but it did nothing to harm him. His sword was old, worn and cracked, a surprise for the knight but he assumed it was Ranni's little prank going on, either making his sword and illusion or had a copy made for this prank. Either way he needed to find his way back too the capital. As much as he would love to indulge Ranni in this prank of hers, he had a curfew at the capital and he already missed it once, missing it again could result in punishment. But if he was punished it wouldn't be anything he wasn't used to. So he continued on through the forest as the wind blew through the trees.

Artorias eventually came out of the forest on a sloped hill. A stone path led up the hill. But down beside the trail was a wooden shack, old and worn down, no doors or windows to protect it from the elements. He intended to ignore it and continue his way up the hill as he followed the trail. But hearing a small sniffle coming from the small building made him halt. He turned back and stared at the building before making his way forward. He soon got close enough he spotted someone wearing a white outfit with boots and a red hood that covered their head.

"Um, hello?" Artorias hummed as he slowly walked into the building. The wooden planks creaked and cracked from his weight before he came to a stop in front of the stranger. The stranger was sniffling as they looked at the ground, tears hitting the floor. Artorias slowly reached down towards the stranger. "Is everything alright......?"


The person looked up with a gasp. It was a pale skinned woman with lovely blonde hair and blue eyes. A red hue covered her cheeks and nose as she gasped from the man's sudden appearance, nearly screaming when his hand touch her shoulder. She brought her hands up as she crawled away before her back hit the wall. She was scared of him, a look of terror on her face as she breathed rapidly.

"Hey,'s alright." Artorias spoke calmly as he slowly reached out too the young lady. The poor thing was like a pup waiting for it's parents to bring home food, scared of the storm that raged outside it's den. Why the woman was terrified he did not know, but he felt an obligation to comfort her. "I'm not gonna hurt you m'lady......"

The woman folded her arms over her chest, clenching something close as she examined the knight. She scanned his tall lanky form, the old armor he wore and the torn blue cloth that hanged off various points of his armor. Her eyes widened upon seeing the hilt of his blade, groaning in displeasure and fear. Artorias, sensing the distrust, unsheathed his blade and leaned it against the wall behind him before kneeling down in front of her, slowly extending an arm out towards her. She squirmed away, hopelessly trying to push through the wooden wall of the building before his armored hand cupped her cheek gently. Her eyes widened even further, Artorias could feel the lack of heat from her.

"T-thou........" The woman teared up as she slowly placed her shaking hands over the one cupping her cheek. Artorias could see nothing but fear in the woman, her eyes red from crying and nose leaking a small amount of snot. "T-thou.....isn't going to.......hurt me?"

"Of course not......" He spoke softly. Her tears seemed to have increased from what should have been comforting words. She held his hand tightly and nuzzled her cheek tightly against him. She somehow found his sharp gauntlet comforting, like a pillow she couldn't sleep without. She slowly pulled his hand down before reaching out and hugging the man close to her. The woman's small frame nearly hanging off his body. Artorias was left confused on what to do, he was never hugged a lot and if he was it was the rare occasion Malenia or Ranni needed comforting. So, to try and make the human feel somewhat better, he softly pat her back. "There, there......."

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