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The workshop room exudes an atmosphere of creative potential as Jia takes her seat near the front, notebook ready, pen poised for inspiration.

"Revelations, the heart of untold stories." Jia quietly whispers to herself.

A few minutes pass, and the door swings open. Ji Tae, known for his infectious energy and charm, enters the room. His tousled hair and a perpetual twinkle in his eyes make him hard to miss. A popular figure on campus, Ji Tae is involved in various extracurricular activities, from playing the guitar to hosting events that showcase his witty humor. Notably, he's also the charismatic team leader of the Neo soccer team, admired for his leadership on the field. He is not in the Neo University band, because it will be hard for him to maintain both music and sports. Ji Tae is well-liked and has a substantial fan following among the students, both for his talents and his charismatic persona.

As Ji Tae scans the room for a seat, his eyes lock onto Jia. A smile brightens his face, as he walks towards her gaining people's attention.

"Hey, Jia. Mind if I join you?" He approaches Jia with a charming smile

"Not at all." She says looking up at him with a smile.

Ji Tae takes the seat next to Jia, and the room seems to brighten a bit more with his presence.

"So, what's the revelation you're seeking today?" He questions.

"You know, the kind that unfolds in the space between words." She answers slightly smirking.

As they engage in a quiet conversation, Ji Tae subtly glances at Jia, a warmth in his eyes. The small crush he harbors becomes evident in the way he admires her creativity.

The instructor introduces the writing prompt, and the room fills with the soft hum of pens and the occasional creaking of chairs. Ji Tae and Jia immerse themselves in their thoughts, exploring the depths of their creativity.

The creative writing workshop buzzes with an electric atmosphere. Mark Lee, adorned with his guitar, sits in a corner, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. The weight of a creative block hangs over him like a shadow, a secret he guards fiercely.

His eyes momentarily lift from his notebook, scanning the room. In that brief moment, he catches sight of Jia and Ji Tae engaged in some conversation. The dynamics between them do not go unnoticed by Mark, and a flicker of tension tightens his shoulders.


The rivalry between Mark and Ji Tae echoes through the university, a tale of clashing harmonies between Dream Harmonics and the Neo football team. The competition is palpable, known by every student on campus.

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