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The soft rays of dawn cast a gentle glow across Jaemin's apartment, a silent witness to the aftermath of the lively night that had unfolded. As Jaemin stirred from his slumber, he became aware of a distant melody-a rhythmic symphony of clinking utensils and the comforting sizzle of something cooking. It was a sound he had grown accustomed to, for it was always Jia.

With a casual stride, Jaemin ambled into the kitchen, half-expecting to find the familiar sight of Jia orchestrating a culinary masterpiece. There she was, a culinary maestro in her own right, navigating the kitchen with practiced ease.

"Morning, Jaemin," Jia greeted without glancing up from her culinary canvas.

Jaemin's lips curled into a half-smile. "Morning, Jia. What's the breakfast spectacle today?"

Jia shot him a knowing look. "Hungover soup. You look like you could use it."

Jaemin settled into a chair, the weight of the previous night evident in the fatigue etched across his features. "You're a lifesaver, Jia. Do I even want to know what time it is?"

Jia handed him a steaming bowl with a playful smirk. "It's a bit past your usual waking hour, but who's keeping track? You really should consider cutting back on the partying, Jaemin. Your liver might appreciate it."

As Jaemin gingerly sipped the hangover remedy, the warmth of the soup seemed to work its magic. "You sound like my conscience, Jia. But, I appreciate the rescue mission. So, any particular reason you're playing the role of a chef this morning?"

Jia's gaze met his, a hint of concern laced with a touch of playfulness. "Well, I do have class at 11:30, but I couldn't let you suffer in silence. Plus, someone needs to remind you that partying like a maniac has consequences."

Jaemin let out a mock sigh. "You and your reminders. You're like the responsible friend I never knew I needed. So, 11:30 class, huh? Why am I not surprised that you're the responsible one here?"

Jia shrugged, a nonchalant smile gracing her lips. "Someone has to keep you in check. Now, finish your soup. I'll make sure you're fit for human interaction before I head to class."

In the tranquil aftermath of the hangover remedy, as Jaemin savored the warmth of the soup, a thought nudged at the edges of his consciousness. Jia, sitting across from him, seemed to sense the unspoken question lingering in the air.

"You know, Jia," Jaemin began, his words carrying a weight of contemplation, "I vaguely remember you asking about Mark and his love for music. What sparked that curiosity?"

Jia, her gaze momentarily fixed on the swirling patterns of her coffee, met Jaemin's eyes with a steady resolve. "I want to help, Jaemin. Mark's struggle with music, it's like a symphony muted, and I want to help him rediscover the melodies. There's more to him than what meets the eye, and I want to understand the notes he hasn't played yet."

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