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Jia was deeply engrossed in the lecture, diligently taking notes and highlighting important points on her laptop. Beside her, Jitae's attention wavered between the professor and Jia. She was completely unaware of his glances. With football matches, practices, and music classes consuming most of his time, he had rarely seen her. Additionally, Jia had been absent from the weekend parties for Neo university students, so Jitae was taking the opportunity to fill his memory with her presence now. He knew she preferred to stay quiet during classes, so he refrained from disturbing her.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, the professor exited and students began to leave. Jitae waited patiently for Jia to finish packing up. She closed her laptop and leaned back in her chair, sighing. Jitae watched her with a soft smile.

"Tired?" he asked, noticing her weary expression.

"Yeah, had a hectic weekend," Jia replied with a tired smile and a nod.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," Jitae said, standing up and noticing that most of the students had already left the classroom.

"It's because you were busy with football. You didn't have time for your friend," she replied, gathering her belongings and following him out. Jitae felt a pang in his heart every time she referred to him as just a friend. She used the same phrase with everyone, but it bothered him more than he'd like to admit.

"Says the one who skipped all the parties for two months," he retorted, trying to keep the conversation light.

"I was busy with some work. It's over now," Jia shrugged as they walked through the crowded corridors.

"In that case, wanna come to the party this Friday? It's at my house. You can bring your friends too," Jitae suggested. Parties and literature classes were the only places he could reliably see her.

"Aren't you visiting your grandparents for your birthday this year?" Jia asked, glancing at the students milling around them.

"You remember?" Jitae halted, turning to face her. He was genuinely surprised she remembered his birthday and also that he visits his grandparents on his birthday and he felt his heart race.

"Of course I do. All important dates are stored up here," she said, tapping her temple with a wide smile. The way she said "important dates" drove him a little crazy.

"I visited them last weekend. The guys were complaining that I don't throw parties on my birthday. All they want is free booze, you know," he shrugged, trying to act casual.

"Okay, I'll join you this weekend. I have to visit the library now," she said, waving as she sprinted off.

Jitae watched her go, his heart full. Her remembering his birthday and agreeing to come to the party felt like a small victory. He stood there for a moment, soaking in the feeling before heading off to his next class.

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