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The lecturer, Professor Kim, stood at the front of the room, passionately delving into the intricacies of music analysis. The air was filled with the hushed rustling of pages as students flipped through their textbooks, jotting down notes or following along with the musical examples played through the speakers.

Mark, seated toward the back, found himself twirling his pen absentmindedly. The lecture material was familiar to him, and his mind wandered as he contemplated his own musical thoughts. The room, filled with the subdued hum of focused students, created an atmosphere that was a blend of academic intensity and creative contemplation.

As the door creaked open, a clandestine figure slipped into the room with an air of mystery. Cloaked in a black hoodie, dark jeans, and adorned with glasses and a mask, she maneuvered through the rows of students, skillfully avoiding the gaze of the lecturer. Mark observed this latecomer, intrigued by the enigma she presented.

Mark, ever observant, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the mysterious latecomer. The girl silently made her way to an empty seat beside him. The choice of attire seemed almost intentional, as if she aimed to go unnoticed in the sea of students.

As the lecture continued, Mark felt a subtle poke on his arm. He turned to see the girl, still masked, uttering the words, "It's me, Mark." The mystery lingered in those words as Mark squinted in confusion. Before he could voice his bewilderment, the girl unveiled her identity, removing the mask to reveal herself as Jia.

The revelation brought a mix of surprise and curiosity to Mark's face. "You don't attend this class, what are you doing here?" he inquired, trying to make sense of the unconventional scenario.

Jia, with a playful glint in her eyes, responded, "I came to meet you."

Mark's skepticism lingered as he contemplated the unusual encounter. "Meet me in a music class? What for?" he questioned, genuinely puzzled by Jia's unorthodox choice of meeting place.

Jia, undeterred by the peculiar setting, flashed a mischievous grin. "Why not? I wanted to see what the fuss is all about. Plus, I knew I'd find you here."

As Professor Kim continued to dissect musical motifs and harmonic progressions, Jia leaned in and whispered, "Are you free this weekend?" Her words, barely audible amidst the lecture.

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Mark took a moment to process. Before he could articulate a response, Jia, anticipating his reply, added, "I just want you to join me for something." Her hopeful expression conveyed a sense of eagerness for Mark to be part of her undisclosed plans.

Mark, intrigued by the mystery and the spontaneity of Jia's proposal, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm free."

Jia's eyes lit up with satisfaction. "Wonderful! I'll text you the details," she declared with enthusiasm.

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