Its so hard to be trans

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I have a really bad love, hate relationship with being trans (I'm agender)

My mum has just bought me some clothes from Zara first I'm gonna point out the age on it which is that I live in the uk and the age for America was 2/3 years older than the uk one soo if you live in America then you may want to completely ignore Zara sizing.
The point is those clothes made me want to rip my skin off. The worst were the bootcut low waist jeans. Before I had even got them on both my legs I was nearly crying, I cannot wear low waist trousers ,I had to throw them off me. The next thing was a cropped v-neck jumper which I again had to throw off myself cause I don't want to look down and see me titties poking out at me. There was also a really low square neck tight fitting top that also , made me want to rip something apart.

I also have been finding school really hard one is the uniform rules which I just find ridiculous( not related to being trans ) but what is hard , trans related , is hearing my name and PE and a couple of weeks ago a chav came up to me and was like are you non-binary and I really wanted to say yes but I don't want to get bullied and I'm not even so I would've had to explain what agender is after fucking maths, sooo that was shitty.
First I'm gonna say all the parts of the uniform.
V- neck jumper(optional)
Below knee black socks/ tights
Polishable black shoes with no logo
PE(just girls stuff cause I don't know what the boys are supposed to wear (sorry :()):
Blue polo with school emblem
Skort with school emblem
Leggings with school emblem
Black below knee socks

Blazer rules;
You can't take your blazer off out of lesson unless the headmaster has said it's a no-blazer day, if you are too hot in lessons then you have to ask to take it off but if you are wearing a jumper you have to take that off first and put your blazer on again after, also if you don't have it with you you have a thing called a due card signed and if you get three signatures you get a break time detention.

( Our ties are stripy) you need to have seven stripes showing as well as the school emblem,if you don't have it your due card is signed and you are given a spare one for the day.

Just needs to be tucked into your skirt or trousers and have all the buttons done up.
Also had to be white and once someone had a stain on it cause there was pasta in the canteen and they had to have their due card signed.

V-neck jumper;
Nothing apart from the fact it needs to be a v-neck, black and the rule in the blazer segment(the word segment made me think of satsumas).

If your skirt is above the knee you get a due card point, if it's rolled up (even if it's at the knee) you get a due card point, if it's tight like a pencil skirt and shoes your silhouette you get your due card signed, if it's not black you get your due card signed.

Have got to be black, only skinny fit.

Also the rules on makeup and jewellery are ridiculous as well;
You are only allowed one single stud in the earlobe in each ear that you have to take out for 
PE, no face piercings, no body piercings, no nail varnish or acrylic, you can't dye your hair unless it's a natural colour, no necklaces and no bracelets.

I find it really funny they missed out anklets. Go to all that extent of erasing individuality to try and create a fair school environment without bullying and you miss out anklets.😂
And there is still bullying.

Believe it or not there are rules for bags and coats.
The bags have to be able to fit a4 sized sheets of paper in them and coats need to be black or dark blue.

The reason the rules are so bad is because it's based on the idea that if you make everyone wear the same clothes it takes away any idea of prejudice with branding and things like that. Also someone told me about a news article that says something about uniforms making students learn better and focus more but it's probably just a load of hocus locus to trey and not make kids feel so shit about being forced to wear the most uncomfortable and stuff shit you can imagine.
It doesn't even work like if you wear a skirt you'll get looks and comments like why the fuck is your skirt so long and I personally want to say 'because I'm not a slut who tries to use their ass to get the attention of dicks who'll grow up to be almost homeless drunks( nothing wrong with being homeless as long as you weren't like this as a kid) who crash at their shit eating friends uni housing while they rant about their parents not giving them money'.
Anyway point is school is shit
And adios bitches
(Sorry it's literally just gone three in the morning and I've been in the verge of an asthma attack for half a fucking week)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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