Chapter 3 Kate Bishop

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Liam pov

We were walking down the streets Heading to where Kate Bishop lives. As we did we started to talk to her.

Liam: So where did you learn how to fight like that?

Kate: Oh. I uh. I started taking up martial arts when I was five.

Clint: Wow. So like a year ago?

While Uncle Clint said that both he and I were looking around to make sure we weren't being followed. Kate must have saw us doing that and decided to ask if that is what we are doing.

Kate: Ar.. are you guys assessing threats? that what you guys are doing?

Clint: ....... Something like that.

Kate: Look. Just so you both know. I'm not some total noob ok? I was able to handle those guys on my own. Fact some people have called me one of the worlds greatest archers.

Kate said as we made it to her place.

Liam: Yeah. I don't think you or your mom really count.

I could tell she want to say something but all she did was nod and opened the door for us. As she headed upstairs Uncle Clint closed the door behind us and laid his head on the glass probably out of annoyance with Kate. I gave him a pat on his back out of comfort before fallowing Kate. As we made it to her place she opened the door we were all greeted by a..... Dog?

The dog looked up at us looking all Happy after eating some stuff

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The dog looked up at us looking all Happy after eating some stuff.

Liam: Huh? Cute mutt.... Does your little guard dog have a name?

Kate: Thats a working progress.

I nodded as I knelt down and started petting the dog for a bit. Once I was done my uncle Clint spoke.

Clint: Not bad of a place.

Kate: Yeah I inherited it.

Clint: How old are you 18?

Kate: I'm 22.

Clint: Huh. Same Thing.

Kate seemed a little upset and was about to say something until I spoke up.

Liam: Look. Kate. Why don't you head to your bedroom and get changed while we.

Kate: Oh yeah! Yeah sure. I'll. Go do that.

She said as she then headed up stairs. As she did I could hear her talking to her self.

Kate: *"whispering to herself"* Just stay cool. It's the Hawkeye and Badger..... In my place.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I heard her fangitling out over my uncle Clint and I.

Liam: *"telepathically"* Hey. If your idea of a 18 year old and 22 year old are the same. Then what about me?

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