Senior Year

12 4 0

A full yet empty feeling
Dim but shimmering in its own way
This specific afternoon
Distinctive chatter in and around the halls
Like a calm bay with sudden uproars of wave voices 
Sometimes shushed by passing teachers
This is their last day

Groups of young adults mingle by the walls
Some pass by watching the juniors who were once them
No supervisors as they act of their own accord
Not doing anything mischievous or anything productive
Too young to let out of the school's gate just yet
Too old to need constant eyes watching
Impatience catches up
They await the sound of a bell

I am different but the same as the rest 
Sitting by the window in an empty class
Where nature's lightbulb shines best
Composing and embracing the ambiance of the afternoon
Diving behind my pen, feelings pushing it to write
Once in a lifetime minute, hour, day
 Where the world seemed to eagerly await us

This moment where time slowly ticks by             
At the last stanza, the bell rings signaling the end
Relief showers the impatient, though reluctant
I stop and smile recalling the memories
Time to leave this place as a new beginning awaits us                                                                                                                                                                                                       -written by: honeymelonhitoka

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