chapter 33: Important decision

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~Zenix's POV~

As i opened my eyes, a view of seven Valstraxes lazily sleeping around me aproached my eyelids. If i would be a human, i would've shat my pants. Anyway as i lifted my head off the ground i saw that nearly everybody was sound asleep. Shine and Zukeri were still in a corner, Sun and it's hatchlings were sleeping at the back of the cave and Clearskin and her kiddos at the other side of the cave.

'Huh.. Weird.. i can't see Voron. Wait..'

I thought as i bit into the thin air in front of me, or so i thaught it was thin air. I managed to lightly bite Voron's nose, startling him.

"I knew it." i whispered.

"Oww..."he moaned back.

" Stop trying to scare me, it ain't working"

"Oof. Fine. Come with me, i need to show you something." he whispered back.

"I can't just leave them here" i gestured to the Valstraxes.

"Come on, Big Daddy Xen. It is important." he growled silently.

'Big Daddy Xen? Oh you will not escape me so easily brother.'i thought as i slowly got up, not wanting to wake anyone up, and followed him.

Surprisingly he lead me to what remained of the Schrade, where even more surprisingly were my old friends.

"Hi Xen, Voron!" greeted Jack.

We both scratched our greetings in the ground. After a few minutes of greetings, a new face shows up.

"Mister Redan? This is one of our friends, Xen" said the Guildmaster.

'Redan' approached me, with a hand in front of my snout. He had a weird blue stone on his hand. His eyes were just as blue. We looked into eachother's eyes. Then we had a connection.

All of a sudden, i saw all of his emotions.. Fear for human race... Fear for all of the monsters... Fear for... Me?... Makili...

Hope... Me... Hope... Black.. Dread?... Sorrow... Fear... Negativity... Death... Darkness... Emptyness... Hope.

I then retreated from his side.

'What. Was. That? '

Redan took a few steps back aswell.

"Y-you're a human!" he shouted.

Woah, my mind feels weird.

I the scartched a few words on the ground*Tell me something i don't know. *

Redan read the message then called:


After a few seconds a gigantic, white dragon approached from the forest. Voron didn't seem to want to fight so i assumed a more unthreatning posture.

By the smell, it's a she. She looked at me with big, blue eyes. Her gaze seemed to see through my very soul.

Afte a while, she spoke with a calming and soothing voice:

"Hello, Xen. "

"Hello, Mrs. White Dragon that i know nothing about"

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