CHAPTER 2: The waking

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Enjoy! :)

As i woke up from my slumber i noticed that i can smell all sorts of smells and can even hear and see better.I tried to get up but for some odd reason my body would not let me.

"Oww,what the heck... why can't i get up?" I remembered  the interesting scale I found earlier and tried to find it.

When i looked down to search for it i saw two massive claws under me.

'Oh ,some claws ,ok... WAIT CLAWS?'

I look around but i do not see any monster.

'Wait, are those mine?'

'Oh god they ARE MINE..!'

I freak out and try to see the rest of my body.

'I think i turned into one of the new monsters!'

'Man,i need to get back to my old self before i get killed.' I tried to walk but end up falling down.

'I need to get used to this body in the meantime.'

"I wonder how does these wings work...?" i try to pump energy through mistake.I fly up into the clouds without knowing how to stop.

"OH NO, HOW DO I STOP THESE?" In a few minutes my wings start running out of energy.

"Phew,i am stopping thats o-" I stopped then I had a realisation.

"WAIT I'M STOPPING." I yelled that i start falling to the mountain that i came from, crashing at the top.

After the crash i open my eyes to see another Valstrax,as the Guild was calling this new species, wich was fightng the two hunters and the palico i saw before turning into the monster.

I try to call them.

"Hey ! Over here!" But all i hear is the hunters yelling something ,probably not understanding what i was saying to them, and ran off.

The Valstrax that scale I touched started growling at me with a feminine voice: "Who are you and what do you want?" I was shocked to hear a monster talking.

"Nothing,nothing! Sorry to interrupt your fight!"

"Then why are you in my territory?" She said while narrowing her eyes in suspicion

"Uh i got kicked out from mine and woke up here" I lied to her and to myself because I know one of scales turned me into this.

"Get out!" but as she was saying that, she fell on the ground. Her wing appeard to be injured ,not to mention the deep gashes.

'She is wounded!I should help her!' Even though i did not know how to use my wings i thought to myself.

'Maybe i can help her recover !But i do not know how to use these wings yet.' Luckily i found some kelbi nearby and made short work of them with my big sharp claws.

My stomach growled.

"What do you know,i am hungry too." As i was thinking i started to eat one of the four kelbis i other three were for her.

When i came back with the kelbis i found her on the stony floor still unconcious.

I saw that she was shivering to the strong winds.

'I should find her shelter.' The search for a shelter did not last long and i found a big cave that could fit two Deviljhos.

I dragged her and the dead kelbis in and fell asleep at the entrance of the cave so that no wind or other monsters shall enter.

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