Chapter 22: Trophy Room

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~Xen/Zenix POV

" me...?" i say waking up in a rather large chamber.

"Look,he woke up."i hear someone talk. I lift my head just to see an Alatreon staring at me. It appeared to have lost his left horn.

"Uhm...hi?"i greet.

"Why did they capture you?"i hear another voice this time a female,but i couldn't make out the species.

"I don't really know why to be honest."After saying that i see a Golden Kirin coming to me."Hello?"

"I haven't seen one of your kind to look like are you?"



"D-dad...?"i hear a little female voice. "". Then i see a little Valstrax slowly approaching me.

"Um...should i know you?"

"Oh...Sorry to bother you..."

"Wait! What's happening? Where am i exactly?"

"You are in the Chief's chamber."replied the Kirin.

"Okaay?...But why are we here?"

"For him we are just 'animals' he conquered."

"How do you know miss?"

"Well let's say i understand many diallects of many species." responded the Kirin.

" you know...where could Dad be?"the little Valstrax asked again.

"Im sorry little one but i do not know any other fastscales other than me and my mate. What happened? Why are you here?Did that man do something to you?"

"*sniff*He battled Mommy and although she fought fiercely she died protecting me. *sniff* And Daddy got captured by other humans. He has a scar down his nose and a dull i got caught by that human after he killed Mommy. I miss them so much...*sniff*"She says while hugging me.

"There,there young one. It's going to be alright".I said hugging her with my claws. "That man is going to pay for what he did. I will make sure he will."

"You will really do that for me?"

"Yes little one. Now get some rest. I see that you are quite tired."

She then cuddles up with my feet. When i moved away to talk to the Alatreon she shivered so i took her with my big right wing and put her on my back. After that i folded my wings and covered her to keep her warm.

"Mhm...Thank you."she said before she fell asleep.

"So...uh...why are you here?"

The Alatreon looked at me for hot minute then sighed.

"I was just patrolling my territory when, suddenly i feel something on my back. The man that closed us up here broke one of my horns which made me fall down and then captured me."

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