Chapter Three

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Jeon Jungkook had always been a bleeding heart. He himself was observant and cared deeply about others' feelings, even if he didn't know them. He didn't have many friends, and none of them were close friends. But, he still cared for them as well as others around him.

So when he saw his favorite fellow dancer uncharacteristically falter multiple times in their shared class, he became concerned. He knew it might be awkward to approach him, but the boy seemed so distracted and the look on his face was one of what could only be described as akin to misery. And it broke Jungkook's heart.

So after class, he quickly scribbled his name and phone number onto a piece of paper and headed over to Jimin. Jimin, not surprisingly, was not very receptive to a stranger's advances of concern. But Jungkook persisted. His thought was that if he were miserable, he'd want someone to care enough to check on him. And though Jungkook knew that Jimin and their other fellow dancer, Hoseok, were close, Hoseok seemed to be somewhat oblivious to Jimin's demeanor that day. And so Jungkook thought he'd offer to be an impartial party for Jimin to talk to if needed.

He sighed after Jimin walked away. He was pleased that Jimin had accepted his phone number, but he didn't expect him to use it. And there was nothing else Jungkook could do. But, he reasoned with himself, at least he'd tried.


Jimin couldn't stand it anymore. He nervously picked up his phone and, maneuvering through his contacts, made a call.

He was not expecting someone other than the owner to pick up the phone.


"Uh, hey," Jimin said, confused. "Is Yoongi around?"


"Um, can I talk to him?"


"Why not?"

"He's busy."

"Oh. Uh, well, this is his friend, Jimin, and I just wanted to check on him because he didn't show up to class today."

"Oh, he didn't, did he?"

'Oh no,' Jimin thought as his heart dropped.

"I mean, I may have just missed him. But I just wanted to be sure – "

"He's fine. I'll handle it."

"Wait – "

But it was too late. The line went dead, and dread blossomed in Jimin's chest. Had he just made things even worse?

Yet again, he found himself at a loss of what to do. After a few long moments, he picked up his phone again, and dialed the last number he'd though he would.


"Um, hey. This is Jimin."

"Jimin! Hey!" Jungkook was relieved. He'd thought Jimin would never speak to him again.

"Did you mean it when you said you'd listen if I needed to talk?"

"Of course," Jungkook replied. "What's up?"

"I..." Jimin paused, suddenly scared to say out loud what was weighing so heavy on his heart.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asked after a few more moments of silence. "Are you there?"

"I-I think my friend is being abused."


"You have to tell Namjoon."

Jimin nervously bit his thumbnail.

"Jimin, he's his best friend of how many years did you say? He needs to know."

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