Chapter Twenty

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The next week, two days before the trial was set to start, Jungkook was sitting beside Yoongi's bed. Namjoon had texted him to ask how things were going, and he was concentrating on writing him back.


Jungkook's head snapped up, startled. Yoongi was staring at him.

"Yoon," Jungkook breathed.

"A-Am I dreaming?"

Tears sprang to Jungkook's eyes. "No," he said shakily.

Yoongi's chin began quivering. "You-You're really here?"

Jungkook couldn't make his voice work. He just nodded.

Tears pooled in Yoongi's eyes. "I missed you."

That was all it took for Jungkook to burst into tears. He bowed his head, and reached out for Yoongi's hand. When Yoongi took his, Jungkook released a sob.

"I'm sorry," he said, sounding nothing other than completely anguished. "I'm so sorry."

"Where were you?" Yoongi whispered.

"I'm such an idiot," Jungkook replied. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"Kook – "

"I panicked. I was scared."

"Kook – "

"Please forgive me," Jungkook whispered, looking up into Yoongi's eyes. Tears were running down Jungkook's cheeks. "I-I don't deserve it. But please..."

"Kook – "

"I'll never be able to forgive myself. I have to live with it, but – "


His mouth snapped shut, finally allowing Yoongi to speak.

"I forgive you."

Jungkook suppressed a sob. He squeezed Yoongi's hand. "Thank you," he whispered.

They stared at each other for a few moments until Jungkook jumped up. "I'll get the nurse!"

He ran to the door and shouted out into the hall for someone to come to the room.

A nurse rushed in. "What hap – "

She gasped as she saw Yoongi laying there, eyes wide open. "I'll call the doctor," she said quickly, rushing back out of the room.

Yoongi furrowed his brow as he looked back at Jungkook. "What's going on?" he asked.

"You've been in a coma, Yoon," Jungkook explained. "For almost two weeks."

Yoongi eyes widened. "I..."

When he didn't continue, Jungkook decided to. Tears filled his eyes.

"You almost died, Yoon. The damage Chul was extensive. You had two surgeries, and your skull is fractured." Jungkook could feel a lump forming in his throat as a few tears spilled over. "I'll let the doctor explain more," he said hoarsely.

A moment later, the nurse returned and began checking Yoongi's vitals. Jungkook stood off to the side, watching intently. Although he knew the nurse knew how to do her job, he wanted to make sure Yoongi wasn't manhandled at all.

After she was done checking him over, she asked Yoongi some questions.

"Are you in any pain?"

"My head hurts," Yoongi answered honestly.

The nurse immediately injected pain medication into Yoongi's IV.

"Can you sit up?"

"I think so."

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