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A/N: Surprisingly, the previous chapter took me just a day to construct. I've read the Iliad, and is it just me who find it weird that the gods are referred to by their roman names when Rome hasn't even been founded yet? Oh well. I do hope the previous chapter was good. But yeah, here's chapter sixteen <3

PERSEUS leaned forward, narrowing his eyes at the still waters before him. The lake refused to move. He groaned, rolling his eyes and falling back into the leaves and soil behind him. It was still dark, but, unable to sleep, the son of Anchises had left his quarters and ambled into the forest. To try to set his plan in motion — at least, before Selene arrived with whoever she thought could aid him. He pursed his lips, mind drifting. He was...he was a son of the sea god. His lips curled at the thought alone, but he pushed away the bitterness which threatened to envelope him.

Decades had passed. He had been holding on to his grief and anger for a long time. He had moved on, somehow. Learnt to live with it. But he had never forgotten. Never forgiven.

Perseus sighed, shutting his eyes and trying to recall...anything. Her. His mother. The image that popped up in his mind was blurry, frayed at the edges. He couldn't remember her face. Just the sweet voice, singing him to sleep. Those arms, wrapping around him as the water swallowed them whole.


Why didn't the water respond to him?

Well, he hadn't ever tried before, had he? He did have powers, didn't he? Perseus frowned. Again, a theory he'd never tested. He had some distant memories, of swimming in lakes and coming out dry, those early days in the forests with his two best friends. Did that count? He'd never actively willed the water to do anything. Gods, this was useless. He'd never be able to. Sitting up, he stretched out a hand. Wouldn't hurt to try again. But maybe he hadn't inherited any powers from his birth father.

No. He had. He remembered, ten years back, when he'd realised what Apollo had done to him. He'd caused an earthquake, unwittingly. Hades, he hadn't even realised it. He did have powers, then. Maybe they were just dormant? Locked away because he had refused his true heritage for next to so long. Maybe Selene's friend would be able to help. Perseus bit his lip and concentrated. His eyelids fluttered, and he tried, so hard, to bring back that gut-wrenching pain he'd felt on the beach all those days ago. He had to try. He couldn't give up. Not when he could use this power to decimate the Achaean forces with a flick of his wrist. He couldn't let such an opportunity slip between his fingers.

He hadn't told Hector or Aeneas about his idea. Better to not give them any false hope, in case his plan never came to fruition. Besides, he would prefer to see the shock rippling on their faces if he was able to use the raging sea to conquer their enemies.

The green eyed man felt it then, a slight tug, and his outstretched arm wobbled. His gaze locked onto the still lake before him. Slowly, a grin stretched across his features as a thin line of water rose from the lake. Perseus shifted his arm to the left. The water mimicked his movement, curling around itself. He wiggled his fingers, swearing to himself. The water rippled. His forehead was already beaded with perspiration.

"A good start for someone who claims to have never wielded the might of the seas before." The voice made him jerk, and over the lake the water turned limp and cascaded back into the lake. Perseus turned his head slowly, his surprise fading when he spotted the familiar dark haired immortal behind him. But she wasn't alone though, and neither was she the one who had spoken. No, today Selene had come with a companion. The dark haired man slowly rose, then dropped down to his knees in reverence, head down. "I'm sorry, I did not feel your arrival. You surprised me, Lady —."

"Galateia," The woman inclined her head. "Oh, get up Perseus." He slowly rose to his feet, eyes drifting to Selene first. She looked as beautiful as ever, ethereal, even. Her hair was free again, and he had to admit, he liked it this way. Her silver eyes glinted, and she wore an intricate set of silver and white armour, underneath a black cloak. She nodded to him in greeting, and then he pulled his eyes to the newcomer. She had hair as dark as the night sky above them. Her eyes were bright green, much like his, her skin pearly, lips blood red. A small circlet adorned her head. It seemed to be made of kelp. She had angular features and wore a shimmering white gossamer dress lined with blue and green. The smell of the ocean hit him, making Perseus wobble on his feet. Her skin had a slight bluish hue, and there were...gills on her neck.

Perseus: Excidium TroiaeWhere stories live. Discover now