13. Heart home

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Porchay was crossing his arms, staring at Kim with an angry expression. He was calmer but not down, his frustration still like venom in his brain.

Kim was going. Alone.

Not really alone. It went for hours of arguing, kissing, hugging and then agreeing on the least they could. Big would be here. Big wouldn't come with Kim but he would follow the car and stay close if anything happened. It was annoying the boy, he always had done anything at his own pace, he could disappear for days, weeks, no one would ask him anything. It was different now that Porchay was in his life. He got out of control when Kim told him this, and the boy didn't understand at first, because it was usual to do it like this. He wasn't worried for himself. He might learn now that he should, because his own actions had consequences, because Porchay's smile could suddenly turn into despair if he wasn't able to come home. It wasn't like a real fight, it was more a heated conversation trying to hear each side and to find a solution. Big was the one. He would not walk into Kim's work but he would reassure Porchay. It looked perfect.

"Chay..." Kim whispered, putting his hands on his waist. Porchay eyed him, a smile staying hidden but appearing more. "Chay..." Kim whined again and Porchay giggled when Big had a weird expression looking at them.

"I am here..." Porchay answered, hugging his boyfriend tightly.

"You take care okay?" He said, kissing his forehead.

"You too." Porchay answered, pecking his lips.

"When is Porsche coming?"

"In some hours..."

For now, some bodyguards were in front of the Kittisawat family house, but Kim would feel better when Porsche would be here. He tousled his tiny one before walking away and not being in Porchay's sight. He didn't like this but he was comforted by Porsche coming and he didn't even have to push him to decide. It also meant something, maybe that his Hia already had the plan to come back home. Whatever, he would know soon and he just took his guitar, his P'Kim's guitar, to study between all of this, he still had his university exams.


"Hia!" Porchay screamed when he saw him walking into the house, running and hugging him in one second, he was ten years old again. He had lived so many things, he had to support so much news, he had to act so much in a way he never did before that it felt amazing to be a little brother again, for a short time, he was happy to be a little brother, something he had felt guilty for for years.

Porsche didn't look different, hugging Porchay tightly and losing himself in his presence, finding again the peace he had missed for weeks, changing guns and violence against comfort and safety.

"Pasta?" Porsche murmured.

"Mnnn..." Porchay giggled lightly.

It wasn't huge, it was cheap but it was theirs. Those pastas were always a cultural moment of their family life for the brothers. It gave rhythm to their nights, to their lunch, it was what they ate when something bad happened, or when they just wanted to feel better. Porsche kept the tradition, their parents made this and Porchay hardly remembered the taste, too young, but Porsche never forgot. He kept doing it, and it quickly became their own thing.

"That's delicious!" Porchay smiled, mouth full of pastas.

"Don't talk while eating Chay!" He laughed loudly. He patted his hair and for some seconds it looked exactly like their past lives. They exchanged a heavy gaze and Porchay stood up, impatient, taking a box from the counter.

"Look! I kept some for you Hia!" He gave them to Porsche and stayed next to him.

"Chay! Oh! You are saying it as if it was a battle."

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now