20. He is around them

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"Oh..." Porchay said, waking up after tbe exhaustive day he had. He needed to really recover mentally from the pressure and anxiety, his brain being heavy when he was in Tankhun's room, but he realised that he wasn't anymore. The room looked dark, exactly like Kim's apartment. He knew where he was and loved to witness that place, which looked abandoned. Clearly, Kim stopped living there in the house for a long time but Porchay could still recognise his existence in every part.

He focused back on the text. Porsche asked him to follow the concept. He sighed, this didn't mean good.

"You're awake?" He heard Kim ask, his boyfriend coming from the bathroom.

"I am...do you know if something is happening soon?"

"Soon? No..." Kim sat on the bed, looking suspiciously at him.

"Hia sent me a code we have...I don't like this..."

"And what does this code means?" Kim looked amused by their way of communicating.

"That whatever happens isn't real...and I should follow the narrative..."

"What do you have such a code?" Kim asked, eyeing him.

"We needed to protect ourself, listen if Hia lied in front of violent men and I was behind some days after telling the truth...it would have brought us more problem..." Porchay sadly said, and it pushed Kim to open the sheets and cuddle with his boyfriend in his arms.

"You know what's funny?" He asked, kissing his forehead.

"Tell me P'Kim..."

"You're better at communicating with Porsche...so Kinn communicates with me but through both of you..." He sighed loudly.

"That's some team work." Porchay added, smiling. "How is your injury?"

"I feel nothing. Don't worry- ouch!" Kim protested when Porchay touched lightly the wound at the beginning of his neck.

"Nothing? You sure?"

"If you touch it no..." Kim rolled his eyes. "But don't worry, the head bleed more than it should...there is nothing to be worried, I swear!" Kim finally said loudly, Porchay's eyes not making him feel that he believed him.

"Well...I guess I will accept this for now..." Porchay whispered.

"I got a text from my cousin."

"Which one? Because it could be help or menace from what I remember of them..."

"The one you like." Kim answered, tightening their hug. "He wanted to tell us that they weren't the one to have attacked you or me..."

"Wooo, why do I have the sensation that this is making things more complicated?" Porchay sighed, hiding his head into Kim's chest.

"Because it does. You need to be even more careful now that we might have multiple sides to fight. Like for example not coming here without me."

"Oh...this sounds like the final reproach you were dying to throw at me..." Porchay mocked him, he knew because of his expression.

"It kinda is...for me...I am just feeling guilty for not having been here..."

"Phi Tankhun was here. Nothing bad happened. Now let's stop the overthinking. Right?" He asked, adorably but Kim deep inside had a hard time letting this go.

"I guess..."

"You will forget." Porchay firmly said, giving Kim a really confused reaction. "You WILL forget." He repeated, pushing Kim on his back and straddling him.

"I still guess..." Kim said again, putting his hands on Porchay's waist, challenging him to give action to his words.

"You won't guess for too long anymore." Porchay bent down to kiss Kim and he didn't let him tell any lead, travelling through and in his mouth, kissing, licking just bringing hotness between their bodies. Porchay didn't know that he wanted this, that he was going to have a makeout with his boyfriend, but how much he felt that he needed this now. He was desperate about feeling alive, about breaking everything that could fall upon them and if he couldn't he decided that he should steal a small amount of comfort from someone he could. Someone who would gladly let him, even participating in it.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now