🕰️ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2🕰️

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4 years had passed since the worst day of Luke's life.

He never did get better, he entirely gave up on his dream of becoming a vet.

Infact, he never looked for higher education.

He just took some shitty underpaid full time job at a fast food restaurant and called it a day. He hated it, but he didn't have the energy or care to even think about university. With his bad salary, he managed to buy a surprisingly ok flat. Though it was completely covered with garbage everywhere.

He and the club never spoke anymore. They tried and they tried, but after a while, they were fed up, and they left.

Luke doesn't blame them, whenever they tried talking to him, he'd get violent, he'd yell, he'd throw stuff and one time even hit Sean. He was completely lost without Zander. On occasion, someone from the old club will reach out via their old group chat, to check on him. It's almost like they're waiting for him, but he doesn't care.

He just wants his partner back.

Luke groaned as he sat up. He had work today. He rolled his eyes as he sat up and out the two promise rings on his index finger. One had a sun engraved on it, the other had a moon.

Zanders was the sun, and Luke had the moon. The idea was supposed to be, Zander would take the sun, to have Luke by him at all times, and vice versa. Luke remembers on that awful day, they found the promise ring clutched tightly in Zanders hand, that was held to his heart.

That's right, even while jumping off the building, Zander kept the thing that meant the most to him close to his heart.

Luke didn't want to go into work today. Today marks the 4 year of Zanders death, and he can't handle that. But he needs the money.

Sometimes he finds himself spending unbelievable amounts of money on stuff.

For Zander.

As if he's waiting for Zander to return.

But he never will.

Luke got up as he went to get ready, not bothering to even brush out his hair.

As he was walking to work, he couldn't help but see things, that made his heart shatter just all the more.

A cute small fluffy dog, on the other side of the street, at this point Zander would've been happily running across the road to go pet it while he followed behind, playfully complaining.

The apple blossom trees blooming, Zander would've stopped to take an unnecessary amount of photos.

He missed having someone latching onto his arm as he walked.

He just sighed. Life fucking sucked.

Luke stood at the counter, his face annoyed and unhappy, as per always, when he heard a familiar voice. Millie.

"..Luke...?" She asked, hesitantly. She'd grown into a fine young women, and was enjoying her steady relationship with her boyfriend Elliot. They'd recently moved in together, Millie was a professional boxer, while Elliot opened up a florists.

Luke just groaned. "Can't you order from the screens or something?"

"I've already ate-.."

"Then what? Fuck do you need?"

"I just thought we could talk.." she offered a small smile.

"I don't like talking."

"Well you used too- I just thought it'd be nice.."

"I liked talking when HE was here. And he isn't here, is he?"

"Listen Luke.. please for the sake of your own health, accept it.. he wouldn't of ever wanted you to turn out like this.. he had such high hopes for you-! He even said as much in his letter..!"

"If he didn't want me to turn out like this, then he should've stayed. What does it even matter? He's not going to see me like this, is he?"

"That isn't the point Luke. I don't want to be harsh or mean... but you're really letting him down-! ..please stop this.. his last and final wish was for you to be happy and successful.. he doesn't care if you move on or not.. just make use of yourself."

Luke glared at her.

"I don't care Millie. Why don't you get back to your boyfriend? And maybe think about how you'd be if you lost him."

Then Millie's eyes widened, as a look of anger seemed to come over her face.

"Listen Luke! I don't care if you're depressed, I don't care if you're not yourself anymore! But don't you DARE say something like that about Elliot! Listen! I know you're depressed, I get it! But why the fuck would you say that!? Don't even put such ideas in my head! And no, I won't think about it! I'd much prefer to cherish the time I have with him! For fucks sake, you're supposed to look back on your time with Zander and be happy! Not whatever the fuck this is!" Then she just sighed.

"..you're making us really worried you know...? We want our Luke back.. you used to be so sweet to everyone..  we still have fun as a friendgroup.. just please come along.." she begged in a whisper.

"Having fun!? You guys are having fun without him!? Did you even care about him!?"

"Yes we cared about him Luke.. but his death can't put our lives on hold.. it's unhealthy, and frankly he wouldn't of wanted that.. truthfully I miss him day and night, I'd give the world to have him back.. but he isn't coming back Luke.. you can't spend the rest of your days like this.."

"Well what am I supposed to do? Live my life PRETENDING it's all sunshine and rainbows? I lost the love of my life Millie! I lost my bestfriend, I lost my other half! What the fuck do you want me to do?! I don't know what you guys want from me! Just leave me alone!"

With that she sighed. ".. come talk to us when you're ready. We miss you.." And she walked away, shaking her head sorrowfully to Elliot who waiting by the door.

Luke walked through the streets, it was dark out by now. He lit his cigarette, as he stood by a bin and took a puff. Smoking was a bad habit he spiralled into once Zander died. And he just couldn't help it.

He continued walking, cigarette in his mouth as he did so.

He opened the door to his flat as he trudged in, throwing the cigarette on the floor and stomping it out.

He walked over to his bedroom, and noticed something odd.

An orange watch sitting on his bed.

The same brand and make as Zanders.

Confused, he sat down and looked at it. He didn't really care.

But the timing was all wrong.

He rolled his eyes as he set it to the right time and threw it god knows where I'm his room as he collapsed onto his bed, ready to fall asleep.

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