🕰️ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10🕰️

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..Today was the day of the suicide. Luke couldn't mess up today.

He knew he said he'd start waiting on the rooftop at the start of 3rd period, to catch Zander at the start of 4th period, but his paranoia took over.

He arrived at school, a whole hour early and headed straight to the roof top. He doesn't mind waiting a few hours. He didn't open his phone, not once, he was just waiting for his boyfriend, he couldn't allow himself to get distracted. One wrong move now, and he's gone.He stood next to the entrance of the roof, hiding behind the wall, looking up at the sky, he could feel his hands shaking, but he had to calm himself down. As soon as that door opened, and as soon as he could confirm it was Zander and he was going to jump again, Luke would come out of hiding.

He gripped his promise ring in his hands. As he held it close to his heart, just as Zander did that day. He would always have Zander by his side, from now until forever, that's what the promise rings meant, and that promise wasn't going to be broken again,


Luke stared up at the sky, looking at the clouds, he didn't know how long it'd been, he felt his phone buzzing, presumably the club wondering where he was. He couldn't check, he couldn't let his guard down, not even for a moment. He was pulled from his thoughts, flinching as he heard the heavy metal doors of the roof being pushed open. His breath caught in his throat as he pressed his body against the wall, waiting anxiously.

Sure enough, his boyfriend, Zander, began walking right towards the railing. Luke watched, heart in his hand, the ring.

Zander reached out and took ahold of the railing, looking down for a few moments, it was when he began to lift his leg, as if he was about to climb, that Luke called out.


He yelled, louder than he intended, as he ran out from the wall.

Zander was startled as he whipped his head around, he froze.

Luke ran up and harshly grabbed him, yanking him away from the railing. Positioning himself between Zander and the railing. His heart was pounding. This was it. He took notice on how quickly Zanders shoulders seemed to rise and fall, he was horribly pale.

"What the fuck were you thinking!?" Luke yelled, he didn't mean too, he honestly didn't, but he didn't know how to react.

"..I-.." Zander tried to speak up, but he couldn't seem to form up any words.

Luke took ahold of Zanders shoulders, and started walking, forcing Zander to walk backward. He really just wanted him away from the railing.

"Answer me! What were you thinking!?"

Zander clutched his hand to his chest as he looked down, still wide eyed. He was trembling.

Luke didn't change his stance, not for one minute did he soften, he needed answers and he needed them quick. If he wanted to help Zander, he needed something to work with.

"I..- I just.. I didn't want to-.." he trailed off.

"What is it!? What do you not want to do Zander!? Tell me!"

"..I don't want to live anymore..-" he admitted, his gaze not leaving the ground.

"..And why didn't you tell me about this, Zander? Why the fuck didn't you tell me!?"

"I didn't want to worry you..- I just-"

"Didn't want to worry me!? But then what happens when you actually jump!? What happens then!?"

"..You move on with your life..- I'm sure I'm just holding you back- you can go on and become a vet.. maybe you can find yourself a nice partner, if any at all..!"

I'll save you, Just in time. || A lander storyWhere stories live. Discover now