the Devils hidden angel.

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I woke up my back faced towards the man next to me, I was honestly regretting all decisions of ever coming on this trip.

I layed there playing with the blanket trying to stay as still as I possibly could, he got up from the bed and I closed my eyes tightly pretending to he asleep, he grabbed some cheap whiskey from the mini fridge and shot it down, I looked at my watch, it's only eight In the morning.

I sat up fast when I heard glass shatter practically right next to me, is this still about grey? I felt frozen like I almost couldn't move, it was a scary feeling he had such anger in his eyes as he walked over to me grabbing my face and looking into my eyes. .

He pushed my face away, throwing a stack of money at me grabbing his bag and leaving, what did I do? I thought to myself as he left the room, am I supposed to find away home by myself. The door closed and I texted Angela, I was freaking out and she told me to calm down.

Ironically enough she was in London for her design show, she told me she would be here soon so I put my phone down, and started packing my things, I heard a knock on the door and hesitantly opened the door, she was here quicker then I thought. Angela walked in grabbing my bags and helped me carry them to her car, she opened my door for me letting me sit down.

She didn't say anything to me as she got in she just sat down and started driving, what a fucking idiot I am to trust him. I should've known, he doesn't care about me or my wellbeing. He just wanted sex, of course he only wanted sex.

Angela looked at me and then stopped at a McDonald's, "you need food" she said making me get out of the car and walk into the McDonald's with her, she ordered two 10 peice meals and sat me down, she talked to me about what happened and why he did it. I wasn't listening I felt shattered like I was used up. Why does everyone I have ever been with only want sex. I'm not a fucking toy. Angela got up grabbing our food and we sat there in silence eating.

I don't know why, I just didn't have the words I didn't have any movements I was blaming myself for him acting like that, I knew I was. If I hadn't texted grey, maybe he would still be in that room.

I felt like a failure, I always failed in every relationship I have ever had and everyone knows that, I always broke up with them or left them. But this one felt different I couldn't break the one off not yet atleast.

"Mila?" Angela's soft tone broke my train of thought making me look up at her she had a frown. "Look for mayas sake I'm not even supposed to be here right now" she added on. The name sent shivers down my spine, maya? My ex maya? I looked down and nodded.

"I know" I replied and she took a sip of her pop and I did the same, I felt silence throughout the room. My words were shaky and trembling.

"She's not here so you can stay at my hotel" she said breaking the tension I nodded and grabbed the rest of my food and drink walking to her car and she followed.

Once we got to her hotel she was staying at a simple bed and breakfast which made me smile, I didn't like the big fancy one ares took me too. Instead this one had two drunk females in urban planet dresses walking out of the bar area.

I walked inside with her and she handed me the key to her room, I went upstairs with her to the suite she was staying in.

There was an extra room where she put my stuff onto the bed, "go enjoy the bar" she added handing me one of her dresses for the weekend I smiled and nodded getting changed and put on a pair of heels.

I grabbed my phone and started walking to the elevator, I waited at the elevator when some tapped my shoulder I turned around to find Cooper. I smiled a big smile and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"No shit? Cooper?" I asked him pulling away walking into the elevator him following, "in the flesh" he added I shoved his shoulder and leaned against the elevator mirror.

"So how's you and emmi" I smirked at my question knowing he would get nervous him and emmi just started dating and he is super nervous to be in a relationship.

"UH good I think" he replied with his nervous tone, I nodded adding "Be good to her' walking to the bar once the elevator door opened I sat on a stool and ordered a vodka soda, fuck I needed this.


Word count: 851

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