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I woke to the smell of buttermilk pancakes in the air, I smiled sitting up looking towards the kitchen. I heard light humming, I put on my pants. It felt like Deja vu, i began to walk towards the kitchen. The smell in the air got stronger as I got closer, i stretched my arms into the air.

"Goodmorning mar-" I mumbled walking into the kitchen before I stopped in my tracks the smell of pancakes vanished into thin air, the humming the cooking stopped. It felt like I've been hit by a bus. I noticed Lucas's back pushing a blonde girl up against the counters his lips connected with her neck, her eyes looked at me. She smiled, her teeth were glowing and her face was petite, I immediately fell to the floor.

I sat up screaming, I looked around at the empty living room. It was a dream, it was all a dream, I moved my hands over my body I put on some clothes and sat on the couch resting my palms over my head. Tears ran down my face I let myself sob hard, I was being loud and I knew it I sat up and grabbed my keys. I got into my car and started to drive.

I pulled up to Lucas's house, crying. I pulled the window down and started to fix myself in the mirror, I wiped the tears away from my face. I got out of the car walking up to Lucas's door I knocked scared for him to Awnser I turned around as the door swung open. Lucas wrapped his arms around me I stood still not able to move, "hey hug me back." He asked I shook my head pushing him off me. He looked at me concerned and confused, I bit my bottom lip before looking at him. "I slept with someone else." I mumbled he looked at me stunned.

"What." He tone was harsh and cold.
"Didn't stutter." I mumbled back.
"Not this shit again mila." He growled back at me and I couldn't help but let out a a scoff which got Lucas's attention. "Are you fucking serious? Why what did I do that was so fucking wrong." He demanded and I shrugged rolling my eyes. "I don't know" I mumbled in a cocky tone pissing him off even more.

"Exactly you don't even fucking know." He snarled closing his front door behind him.
"What don't want me seeing the naked blonde on your couch?" I asked him, tilting my head and looking at the window. "Yeah I'm not fucking dumb Lucas." I finished my sentence and he turned looking at the couch then back at me.
"What was it like a punishment?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"It's better then lying, atleast I fucking told you." I snarled back at him.
"Oh so it makes it okay cause you were honest?" He replied and I nodded.
"Exactly now your getting it." I smirked and he looked down at me.
"Oh what fucking ever mila." He snarled trying to go inside I gripped his wrist keeping him outside.
"No no we aren't done with this conversation." I looked at him tears forming in my eyes.
"What else do you have to say spit it out." He looked at me and I looked back at him slapping him before walking away.

"Hey." He cupped his face as I got into my car. "Fuck you mila." He shouted at me and I pulled out of his drive way. I started to drive back home, I pulled up to my house getting out I walked inside and started to pick up the mess ares left, there was cups and streamers all over. "I'm home" I shouted and ares stumbled to me resting his body on me. I laughed and layed him down, "I'm sleepy" he replied to me and I patted his face before finishing cleaning.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Lucas

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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