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"If you're happy in a dream... does that count? That happiness- does it count?"


The mornings on Hala were beautiful, the sun rising high up to burn over the city which was always busy, always moving.

Vers rubbed her arm as she looked over it all, taking a small breath, thinking about the nightmares that had kept her up. She couldn't remember her life before the past six years and yet her dreams were filled with images of it. Places and people she didn't recognize or know.

Brushing it all off and pushing out of her room with energy buzzing through her, literally and figuratively, Vers made for her Commander's room.
Good morning to him.


A tired yet unsurprised Yon-Rogg opened his door, Vers sending him a grin in greeting.
Hand resting on the back of his neck, he looked the blonde over, letting out a sigh.
"Do you know what time it is?"

Vers tried to make her expression as innocent as possible, not feeling bad at all really. "Can't sleep."

"There are tabs for that."

Her eyes moved to the side as she thought of how obvious her answer should already be. "Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping." She wouldn't be here if she'd wanted to sleep, now would she?

"Dreams again?" He asked.

Swallowing lightly at the accuracy, Vers gave a barely perceptible nod, wanting a lighter topic of conversation.
Yon-Rogg looked her over in consideration, nodding to himself.

Raising her eyebrows in suggestion and biting back a grin, she gave out a proposal. "Wanna fight?"


A grunt left Ver's mouth as her body slammed into the floor. Again.
Annoyance and frustration were rising within her at the repetitive sequence of her landing on her ass. She let out an exhale. "I slipped."

The Commander didn't miss a beat. "Right, you slipped as a result of me punching you in the face."

Vers started standing. "I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face," She specified. "The two events were not related."

Yon-Rogg was smirking, closing back in on her with an arrogance that had her growing fiery. "Tell me about this dream."

Vers threw a hard punch, him dodging out the way as they restarted their sequence.

"Anything new?" He had both of her arms temporarily held down before she twisted out of it and continued her fast attacks.

His calmness along with his constant blocking and evading of her hits was only making her angrier. "No."

Their sparring was fast, incredibly quick and aggressive. She completed a series of acrobatic movements followed with hits and kicks, Yon-Rogg blocking or avoiding all of them.

Before she knew it he had her arm bent behind her back, pushing her down. "You have to let go of your past," He warned.

"I don't remember my past."
Vers was angry now, frustration fueling and running through her. She panted slightly, still bent forward with her arm twisted behind her.

"It's causing you doubt, and doubt makes you vulnerable."

He changed his grip on her arm and she used the movement to throw herself over him, their sparring taking off in an instant once more.
Vers was thrown back to the floor soon after, brought to her knees, right hand in his grip.
Without thinking her left fist raised, glowing with power as she glared up at him.
Vers's pants were a sign of her frustration more than her endurance.

Yon-Rogg looked at her glowing fist and shook his head, disapproving. "Control it." The words were both a warning and a command. "Lose control again and you'll have to commune with the Supreme Intelligence."
His hand landed on her own, the one not glowing, and she slowly stood, still glaring.
"There's nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion."

Their hands were clasped now, his eyes looking into hers imploringly. Releasing her hand Vers looked at him for a second before she started laughing.
He pushed her back hard. "Humor is a distraction."

Even though their sparring picked up again it was only seconds before he had her arm locked in an awkward angle once more.

"And anger? Anger only serves the enemy." As he finished saying it he released her arm for a moment, long enough to send a fist into her nose.
Vers fell once more and without thinking, her fist raised and a photon blast went straight for him.

The satisfaction of watching him literally fly backwards before landing on the floor for once was short lived once she realized what she'd done.

He looked up at her from the floor and she knew she was getting sent to the Supreme Intelligence.


Yon-Rogg shot her a warning glare. "There's a new member joining our team. She'll be here when we get back from the Intelligence. I'm expecting you to set a good example."

Although Vers knew she was in shit, this new information was interesting. A new unit member? They hadn't had one of those for ages. It was a woman too. Minn-Erva-- who was the only other female on their unit with her-- never seemed too interested in the whole 'friends' thing.

Vers might've taken it personally had she not already found her own company as enjoyable as she did.

"What's her name?"

"Naye," Yon-Rogg answered, still looking disappointed in her as he stood up.

"Nuh-yeh," Vers sounded out with a slight frown. "How do you spell that?"

He only leveled her a look. "That doesn't matter. You're gonna show her what it means to be a member of this team. Don't disappoint me, or yourself."

"What do you mean?" Vers asked as if she wasn't literally being sent to the Supreme Intelligence for not doing what was expected of them.

He threw a look, joining her now. "Funny," He said sarcastically. "But I'm being serious, Vers."

Vers smirked at him. "I think you just called me funny."

"Go, I'll meet you outside," Yon-Rogg said before starting to head out. "Remember," He warned as he got to the exit. "Best behavior."

She gave a teasing smile. "Always am."

Giving a weary sigh he left, mumbling as he did. "That's what I'm worried about."

Literally spent like the first couple paragraphs calling her Carol 😭

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