3.hating the guest

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"Hazel!!! Wake up!!!!"
I heard a voice boom and I shoot up on my bed. I looked side to side then realized it was only Mary waking me up. I looked at the digital clock on the side table and it read 6:30am.what the fuck Mary u had to wake me up so early? I thought grumply and got out of bed as I knew Mary won't let me sleep longer seeing that she woke me up 4 hours after I went to sleep, but off course she doesn't know when I went to sleep!!!
Going into my closet, I wore a running shorts and bra and wore a jumper on top of it.I took my phone and earbuds. As I went downstairs I plugged in my earbuds and put runaway by avril lavign.I looked into the kitchen to see Mary already starting to cook.I walk up to her.
"don't u think its too early to cook Mary?!" I ask and kiss her cheeks and head to the door. I couldn't hear what Mary told over the music but I couldn't care less.....I ran into the woods and through a path only I was familiar with.after a while of running I ended up at a clearing with the pond at one edge. I've always known this place. It used to be the place my mom and I come to whenever we want to get out of the house and away from the rich posh life. Off course after my mom's death I still come here, this is the one place I luv more than the racing tracks!!

After a while of sitting near the pond I looked at my watch to see that it was 8am already! I went back home and ran straight to my room. After a hot shower, I wore a pair of black shorts and red tank tops and went back down stairs.....normally I would go to the tracks by now but if I go now Liza would make me help Neol and the others clean the trash from yesterday's party! And I'm in no mood for cleaning!
As usual I resort to lying upside down on the sofa with my head where my feet should be and my feet where my head should be!!! I sit like that for a while with my eyes closed. I hear the door open and voices coming in my direction. I assume that it's Dad or Mary so I don't make any efforts to change my current position!the voice gets closer and then they are in the room.
"John,Caroline I would like u to meet my daughter Hazel! She's probably in the living room now" I hear my dad's voice inform to someone as they enter the room. Before I could register the situation that someone else is with him they enter the room and witness me upside down on the sofa in only a shorts and a tank top!
As quickly as I can I stand up and glance awkwardly at the people who had witnessed me in my weird position! My dad gave me an amused look. He never was one to shout at me for anything other than racing off course!
" I'm sorry about that.....interesting event." my dad apologized and I shot him a pointed look.
"John, Caroline, Christopher meet my daughter Hazel!" my dad introduces me to the three guests. Two of them look about my dad's age who I assume are married and then a boy about my age who I assume is John and Caroline's son, gave me a very amused smirk!
I shook Caroline and John's hands and excused myself into the kitchen. I find Mary working on the food. I walk up to her and she looks up from whatever she was making.
"Hazel what are you wearing didn't I tell you to wear nice clothes? Ur Dad's friends might get here any minute now!" she tells me.
"What? When did you tell me that? And by the way they are here already! And they saw me upside down!" I frantically ask and inform her.
" I told you this morning when you were about to go for a run! Now it's ok just go upstairs and change into something presentable!" she tells me and I nod and head for my room. But I stop mid way and ask Mary what their names were.
" Oh they're John and Caroline Wild!" she informs me.
I head to my room and close the door and walk into my closet and pick out a nice and simple blue frock. I move my hands to remove my shirt when the bathroom door opens and the boy I saw downstairs comes out! He just stares at me as I stop myself from removing my tank top.
" what are you doing in my room?!" I angrily ask him.
" oh I was just here to use the bathroom! But dont let me interrupt anything!" he replies with a smirk plastered on his face!oh the nerve he has to say that!this asshole needs to learn his manners!
" what the fuck dude?! Get the hell out of my room" I shout at him.
" oh come on babe seriously! No need to get feisty!" he says as he moves closer to me. And with each step he moves forward I move a step backward until my back hits the closet wall. He walks close, so close that I could smell his intoxicating deodorant and looks me in the eye.
"I liked seeing you upside down by the way....!" he states whispering it into my ears that i barely even heard it, he gave a slight peck on my ears and walks out of my closet and out of my room before I could register what happened. I just stand there bewildered. What Just happened? Did he just do that? I ask myself in shock. I soon recover from my speechless state. I quickly change into my frock and head down stairs already Forgetting about the incident in my closet.
I walk into the room and see my dad speaking to Mr and Mrs wild and Christopher sitting near my dad. I walk into the room.
" I'm so sorry about what you had to see earlier Mr and Mrs Wild. I just hadn't heard probably when Mary told me about your arrival so I didn't know! I'm so sorry!" I apologize to them.I look over at Christopher and he winks at me and I had to try so hard to not glare at him.
" oh it's ok sweety, we will be seeing each other The whole summer now anyways so it's not much of a problem! And please call me Carol!" Mrs wild informs me. At first I sit confused then realize what she meant!
" and call me John" Mr. Wild adds. I give them a polite smile and walk off to the dining table where Mary was setting up the table.I help her and clear my doubts.
It seems that this summer the Wild family will be here with us which unfortunately means for me I'll have to put up with Christopher the whole summer. And from our short encounter I've concluded that he is a major ass and a a clear player. But then again I am known for being the town's bad-ass so he'll have to be careful with me if he wants to be safe! And I can officially say that i hate my guest! Atleast one of them!

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